Guidebook for Chikusei

Guidebook for Chikusei

Arts & Culture

下館出身の陶芸家板谷波山記念館、しもだて美術館とアートな環境が整っている。The Shimodate-born potter Hazan Itaya Memorial Museum and the Shimodate Museum of Art create an artistic environment.
文化勲章を陶芸家として初めて受賞した陶芸界の巨匠。 下館生誕。生家が記念館として残っている。 The Hazan Itaya Memorial Museum A master of the ceramic art world who won the Order of Culture for the first time as a ceramic artist. Shimodate was born. His birthplace remains as a memorial.
866 Kō
文化勲章を陶芸家として初めて受賞した陶芸界の巨匠。 下館生誕。生家が記念館として残っている。 The Hazan Itaya Memorial Museum A master of the ceramic art world who won the Order of Culture for the first time as a ceramic artist. Shimodate was born. His birthplace remains as a memorial.
全面ガラス張り3階まで吹き抜けのモダンなデザインの美術館。地方都市に不似合い?なほどの立派さ。広々とした空間に展示された作品をゆっくりと鑑賞できる。1Fにはカフェや多目的スペースあり。 An art museum with a modern design that is entirely glass-walled and has an open ceiling up to the 3rd floor. You can leisurely appreciate the works displayed in the spacious space. There is a cafe and multi-purpose space on the 1st floor.
Shimodate Museum
372 Hei
全面ガラス張り3階まで吹き抜けのモダンなデザインの美術館。地方都市に不似合い?なほどの立派さ。広々とした空間に展示された作品をゆっくりと鑑賞できる。1Fにはカフェや多目的スペースあり。 An art museum with a modern design that is entirely glass-walled and has an open ceiling up to the 3rd floor. You can leisurely appreciate the works displayed in the spacious space. There is a cafe and multi-purpose space on the 1st floor.
結城市にある「結城紬」を「見る」「触る」「買う」ことができる「つむぎ館」。古民家を移築したスペースで、「つむぎ機織り体験」「資料館」での歴史ミュージアム、「展示館」での紬の展示販売、ショップでは足袋やお財布といった小物から、ショール、バッグ、着物、帯まで購入できる。「足袋染め体験」も人気。また、「つむぎ」で街歩きのイベントも。古民家カフェも併設。 The Tsumugi Museum "Tsumugikan" where you can "see", "touch" and "buy" "Yuki Tsumugi" in Yuki City. In a space that has been relocated from an old folk house, there is a "Tsumugi weaving experience", a history museum at the "Museum", an exhibition and sale of tsumugi at the "Exhibition Hall", and small items such as tabi socks and wallets, as well as shawls, bags, kimonos, and obis at the shop. can buy. "Tabi dyeing experience" is also popular. There is also an event for walking around town wearing Tsumugi. There is also an old private house cafe.
12-2 Yūki
結城市にある「結城紬」を「見る」「触る」「買う」ことができる「つむぎ館」。古民家を移築したスペースで、「つむぎ機織り体験」「資料館」での歴史ミュージアム、「展示館」での紬の展示販売、ショップでは足袋やお財布といった小物から、ショール、バッグ、着物、帯まで購入できる。「足袋染め体験」も人気。また、「つむぎ」で街歩きのイベントも。古民家カフェも併設。 The Tsumugi Museum "Tsumugikan" where you can "see", "touch" and "buy" "Yuki Tsumugi" in Yuki City. In a space that has been relocated from an old folk house, there is a "Tsumugi weaving experience", a history museum at the "Museum", an exhibition and sale of tsumugi at the "Exhibition Hall", and small items such as tabi socks and wallets, as well as shawls, bags, kimonos, and obis at the shop. can buy. "Tabi dyeing experience" is also popular. There is also an event for walking around town wearing Tsumugi. There is also an old private house cafe.
桜川市真壁町にある真壁のミュージアム。真壁の歴史や真壁城について学べる歴史資料館併設。歴史資料館では、桜川市全体の歴史から始まり、特徴ある中世から近現代の真壁地区の知られざる歴史を紹介した展示を見ることができる。入場無料。周辺は茨城県初の重要文化財指定を受けた古い屋敷が保存されている真壁の街並みもあり、街歩きには最適。 The Makabe Museum is located in Makabecho, Sakuragawa City. There is also a historical museum where you can learn about the history of Makabe and Makabe Castle. At the historical museum, you can see exhibits that introduce the unique history of the Makabe district from the Middle Ages to the modern times, starting with the history of Sakuragawa City as a whole. free entrance. In the surrounding area, there is also the townscape of Makabe, where old mansions designated as important cultural properties for the first time in Ibaraki Prefecture have been preserved, making it ideal for walking around town.
真壁-198 真壁町
桜川市真壁町にある真壁のミュージアム。真壁の歴史や真壁城について学べる歴史資料館併設。歴史資料館では、桜川市全体の歴史から始まり、特徴ある中世から近現代の真壁地区の知られざる歴史を紹介した展示を見ることができる。入場無料。周辺は茨城県初の重要文化財指定を受けた古い屋敷が保存されている真壁の街並みもあり、街歩きには最適。 The Makabe Museum is located in Makabecho, Sakuragawa City. There is also a historical museum where you can learn about the history of Makabe and Makabe Castle. At the historical museum, you can see exhibits that introduce the unique history of the Makabe district from the Middle Ages to the modern times, starting with the history of Sakuragawa City as a whole. free entrance. In the surrounding area, there is also the townscape of Makabe, where old mansions designated as important cultural properties for the first time in Ibaraki Prefecture have been preserved, making it ideal for walking around town.
2014年開館。本蔵を結城の新たな芸術文化を創造・情報発信する場に、袖蔵を結城の歴史的・文化的資料の収蔵・公開の場として活用。2Fに展示された「御手杵の槍」は日本3大名槍として名高く「刀剣乱舞」にも登場。入場無料。 Opened in 2014. The main storehouse will be used as a place to create and disseminate information on Yuki's new art and culture, and the sode storehouse will be used as a place to store and display Yuki's historical and cultural materials. The "Otegine no Yari" displayed on the 2nd floor is famous as one of Japan's top three spears and appeared in "Touken Ranbu". free entrance.
1330 Yūki
2014年開館。本蔵を結城の新たな芸術文化を創造・情報発信する場に、袖蔵を結城の歴史的・文化的資料の収蔵・公開の場として活用。2Fに展示された「御手杵の槍」は日本3大名槍として名高く「刀剣乱舞」にも登場。入場無料。 Opened in 2014. The main storehouse will be used as a place to create and disseminate information on Yuki's new art and culture, and the sode storehouse will be used as a place to store and display Yuki's historical and cultural materials. The "Otegine no Yari" displayed on the 2nd floor is famous as one of Japan's top three spears and appeared in "Touken Ranbu". free entrance.
建築家隈研吾デザインの美術館。ヒロサワシティの一角にある。和洋折衷のモダンな庭は齋藤忠一氏によるもので一見の価値あり。アートカフェも併設。 A museum designed by architect Kengo Kuma. Located in a corner of Hirosawa City. The modern Japanese-Western style garden was designed by Chuichi Saito and is worth seeing. There is also an art cafe.
Hirosawa Museum
建築家隈研吾デザインの美術館。ヒロサワシティの一角にある。和洋折衷のモダンな庭は齋藤忠一氏によるもので一見の価値あり。アートカフェも併設。 A museum designed by architect Kengo Kuma. Located in a corner of Hirosawa City. The modern Japanese-Western style garden was designed by Chuichi Saito and is worth seeing. There is also an art cafe.


下館は和菓子店が多い街。有名和菓子店めぐりや県西最大級の「道の駅グランテラス筑西」も徒歩圏内。Shimodate is a town with many Japanese sweets shops. A tour of famous Japanese sweets shops and the largest Michi-no-Eki Grand Terrace Chikusei in the west of the prefecture are also within walking distance.
地元で有名な和菓子屋。本店。下館土産はこちらでどうぞ。 A local famous Japanese sweets shop. Head office. Get souvenirs from Shimodate here.
たちかわ菓子店 下館本店
115 Hei
地元で有名な和菓子屋。本店。下館土産はこちらでどうぞ。 A local famous Japanese sweets shop. Head office. Get souvenirs from Shimodate here.
「風の家」のすぐ前にある和菓子屋。工場併設し製造販売。「ふぶき」はゲスト到着時にウエルカムスイーツとしてお茶とともに提供。 A Japanese sweets shop right in front of Kaze no Ie. Manufactured and sold at an attached factory. "Fubuki" is served with tea as a welcome sweet when guests arrive.
4 Ichinobe
「風の家」のすぐ前にある和菓子屋。工場併設し製造販売。「ふぶき」はゲスト到着時にウエルカムスイーツとしてお茶とともに提供。 A Japanese sweets shop right in front of Kaze no Ie. Manufactured and sold at an attached factory. "Fubuki" is served with tea as a welcome sweet when guests arrive.
2019年7月11日オープンした「道の駅グランテラス筑西」。県内で最大級の道の駅。特産品販売、フードコート、BBQガーデン、ドッグラン、スターバックスコーヒー、ローソン、芝生広場、スラックライン、野外ステージなどの施設を併設し、ハイブリッド道の駅として注目。下館駅北口より循環バスも運行。風の家からはクルマで5分、徒歩20分。最寄りバス停「勤行川大橋東」まで3分、乗車3分。0296-45-5055 "Michi no Eki Grand Terrace Chikusei" opened on July 11, 2019. One of the largest roadside stations in the prefecture. With facilities such as specialty product sales, food court, BBQ garden, dog run, Starbucks Coffee, Seicomart, lawn square, slackline, and outdoor stage, it is attracting attention as a hybrid roadside station. A circulation bus also runs from the north exit of Shimodate Station. 5 minutes by car and 20 minutes on foot from Kaze no Ie. 3 minutes to the nearest bus stop "Gongyogawa Ohashi Higashi", 3 minutes by car.
Grand Terrace Chikusei Rest Area
2019年7月11日オープンした「道の駅グランテラス筑西」。県内で最大級の道の駅。特産品販売、フードコート、BBQガーデン、ドッグラン、スターバックスコーヒー、ローソン、芝生広場、スラックライン、野外ステージなどの施設を併設し、ハイブリッド道の駅として注目。下館駅北口より循環バスも運行。風の家からはクルマで5分、徒歩20分。最寄りバス停「勤行川大橋東」まで3分、乗車3分。0296-45-5055 "Michi no Eki Grand Terrace Chikusei" opened on July 11, 2019. One of the largest roadside stations in the prefecture. With facilities such as specialty product sales, food court, BBQ garden, dog run, Starbucks Coffee, Seicomart, lawn square, slackline, and outdoor stage, it is attracting attention as a hybrid roadside station. A circulation bus also runs from the north exit of Shimodate Station. 5 minutes by car and 20 minutes on foot from Kaze no Ie. 3 minutes to the nearest bus stop "Gongyogawa Ohashi Higashi", 3 minutes by car.

Getting Around

下館駅は、JR水戸線、真岡鉄道、関東鉄道常総線の3線が利用できるターミナル駅。水戸線終点小山駅から首都圏へ、真岡鉄道で栃木方面、常総線でつくばエクスプレスへ乗り継ぎが可能。 Shimodate Station is a terminal station where three lines (JR Mito Line, Moka Railway, and Kanto Railway Joso Line) can be used. From Mito Line terminal Oyama Station to the Tokyo metropolitan area, it is possible to transfer to Tochigi on the Moka Railway and to the Tsukuba Express on the Joso Line. .
JR水戸線、関東鉄道常総線、真岡鉄道と3路線が発着するターミナル駅。JR水戸線で小山まで20分、水戸まで約1時間。常総線は下館、取手間を結ぶ。下妻、水海道、守谷など。守谷からはつくばエキスプレスに連結。秋葉原まで快速で約40分で結ぶ。真岡鉄道は、下館駅より栃木県の茂木駅まで約1時間15分で走る単線鉄道。週末はSLが走り「乗り鉄」や「撮り鉄」たちに人気。益子までは下館より約35分。 A terminal station where 3 lines arrive and depart: JR Mito Line, Kanto Railway Joso Line, and Moka Railway. 20 minutes to Oyama and about 1 hour to Mito on the JR Mito Line. The Joso Line connects Shimodate and Toride. Shimotsuma, Mitsukaido, Moriya, etc. Connect to Tsukuba Express from Moriya. It connects to Akihabara in about 40 minutes by rapid train. Moka Railway is a single-track railway that runs from Shimodate Station to Motegi Station in Tochigi Prefecture in about 1 hour and 15 minutes. Steam locomotives run on weekends and are popular with train riders and photographers. About 35 minutes from Shimodate to Mashiko.
Shimodate Station
JR水戸線、関東鉄道常総線、真岡鉄道と3路線が発着するターミナル駅。JR水戸線で小山まで20分、水戸まで約1時間。常総線は下館、取手間を結ぶ。下妻、水海道、守谷など。守谷からはつくばエキスプレスに連結。秋葉原まで快速で約40分で結ぶ。真岡鉄道は、下館駅より栃木県の茂木駅まで約1時間15分で走る単線鉄道。週末はSLが走り「乗り鉄」や「撮り鉄」たちに人気。益子までは下館より約35分。 A terminal station where 3 lines arrive and depart: JR Mito Line, Kanto Railway Joso Line, and Moka Railway. 20 minutes to Oyama and about 1 hour to Mito on the JR Mito Line. The Joso Line connects Shimodate and Toride. Shimotsuma, Mitsukaido, Moriya, etc. Connect to Tsukuba Express from Moriya. It connects to Akihabara in about 40 minutes by rapid train. Moka Railway is a single-track railway that runs from Shimodate Station to Motegi Station in Tochigi Prefecture in about 1 hour and 15 minutes. Steam locomotives run on weekends and are popular with train riders and photographers. About 35 minutes from Shimodate to Mashiko.


滞在中に必要な食料や日用品のお店。スーパー、コンビニ、コインランドリーなどの情報をまとめました。Shops for food and daily necessities needed during your stay. Information on supermarkets, convenience stores, laundromats, etc.
いちばん近いスーパー。Seriaも併設し、前にはセブンイレブンもあり。The nearest supermarket. Seria is also attached, and there is also a 7-Eleven in front.
18-13 Hei
いちばん近いスーパー。Seriaも併設し、前にはセブンイレブンもあり。The nearest supermarket. Seria is also attached, and there is also a 7-Eleven in front.
ドラッグストア。生鮮食品以外の酒、食品もあり。最寄りのお酒が買える場所。かましんより近い。 Drug store. In addition to fresh food, there are also alcohol and food. The nearest place to buy alcohol. Closer than Kamashin.
919-1 Kō
ドラッグストア。生鮮食品以外の酒、食品もあり。最寄りのお酒が買える場所。かましんより近い。 Drug store. In addition to fresh food, there are also alcohol and food. The nearest place to buy alcohol. Closer than Kamashin.
最寄りのコンビニ。スーパーかましんの前にあり。The nearest convenience store. Located in front of the supermarket Kamashin.
7-1 Hei
最寄りのコンビニ。スーパーかましんの前にあり。The nearest convenience store. Located in front of the supermarket Kamashin.
風の家から一番近いコインランドリー。毛布や布団なども洗濯可能。100円で12分の乾燥機は大活躍。営業時間:5時~25時 The nearest laundromat from Kaze no Ie. Blankets and comforters can also be washed. A 12-minute dryer for 100 yen is very useful. Business hours: 5:00 to 25:00
風の家から一番近いコインランドリー。毛布や布団なども洗濯可能。100円で12分の乾燥機は大活躍。営業時間:5時~25時 The nearest laundromat from Kaze no Ie. Blankets and comforters can also be washed. A 12-minute dryer for 100 yen is very useful. Business hours: 5:00 to 25:00

Food Scene

風の家から徒歩で行けるレストランを集めました。A collection of restaurants that can be reached on foot from Kaze no Ie.
平日ランチは海鮮丼が1000円。夜は懐石料理の店。要予約。 For lunch on weekdays, seafood rice bowl is 1000 yen. A kaiseki restaurant at night. Reservation required.
58-7 Hei
平日ランチは海鮮丼が1000円。夜は懐石料理の店。要予約。 For lunch on weekdays, seafood rice bowl is 1000 yen. A kaiseki restaurant at night. Reservation required.
旧問屋街にある穀物問屋の建物をそのまま活かした古民家レストラン。ランチは松花堂弁当ほかお手頃価格で懐石が楽しめる。夜は懐石コース。重要文化財に指定された純和風建築の中でいただく懐石料理は格別に美味しい。「風の家」より徒歩5分。要予約。0296-21-1357 An old private house restaurant that utilizes the building of a grain wholesaler in the old wholesale district. For lunch, you can enjoy Shokado bento and other reasonably priced kaiseki meals. Kaiseki course at night. Kaiseki cuisine served in a pure Japanese-style building designated as an important cultural property is exceptionally delicious. 5 minutes walk from Kaze no Ie. Reservation required.
929 Kō
旧問屋街にある穀物問屋の建物をそのまま活かした古民家レストラン。ランチは松花堂弁当ほかお手頃価格で懐石が楽しめる。夜は懐石コース。重要文化財に指定された純和風建築の中でいただく懐石料理は格別に美味しい。「風の家」より徒歩5分。要予約。0296-21-1357 An old private house restaurant that utilizes the building of a grain wholesaler in the old wholesale district. For lunch, you can enjoy Shokado bento and other reasonably priced kaiseki meals. Kaiseki course at night. Kaiseki cuisine served in a pure Japanese-style building designated as an important cultural property is exceptionally delicious. 5 minutes walk from Kaze no Ie. Reservation required.
永盛酒店に併設している手打ちそば店。とにかくコスパがサイコー!もりそばは小もりでも普通以上のボリューム、大盛は特盛レベル。さらに天ぷら盛り合わせは、250円で6種ものボリューム。単品150円で4個も。11~売切れまで営業。平日はサラリーマンが多く相席ごめん。0296-22-3354  A hand-made soba shop attached to Eisei Liquor Store. Anyway, cospa is the best! Morisoba is small but has more volume than normal, and large is extra large. In addition, the tempura platter is 250 yen and has 6 types of volume. 4 pieces for 150 yen each. Open from 11am until sold out. On weekdays, there are many office workers and usually share a table.
Nagamori Liquor Store
122-8 Hei
永盛酒店に併設している手打ちそば店。とにかくコスパがサイコー!もりそばは小もりでも普通以上のボリューム、大盛は特盛レベル。さらに天ぷら盛り合わせは、250円で6種ものボリューム。単品150円で4個も。11~売切れまで営業。平日はサラリーマンが多く相席ごめん。0296-22-3354  A hand-made soba shop attached to Eisei Liquor Store. Anyway, cospa is the best! Morisoba is small but has more volume than normal, and large is extra large. In addition, the tempura platter is 250 yen and has 6 types of volume. 4 pieces for 150 yen each. Open from 11am until sold out. On weekdays, there are many office workers and usually share a table.
インド人の経営するレストラン。50種類もあるナンをはじめ本場のインド料理が楽しめる。「カレーうどんセット」「アジアンセット」など豊富なセットがオトク。カレーはどれも本格的で美味しい。0296-24-8766  Restaurant run by Indians. You can enjoy authentic Indian cuisine including 50 kinds of naan. A variety of sets such as "Curry Udon Set" and "Asian Set" are advantageous. All curries are authentic and delicious.
143-2 Hei
インド人の経営するレストラン。50種類もあるナンをはじめ本場のインド料理が楽しめる。「カレーうどんセット」「アジアンセット」など豊富なセットがオトク。カレーはどれも本格的で美味しい。0296-24-8766  Restaurant run by Indians. You can enjoy authentic Indian cuisine including 50 kinds of naan. A variety of sets such as "Curry Udon Set" and "Asian Set" are advantageous. All curries are authentic and delicious.
下館駅近くのイタリアン・レストラン。15時までにやってるランチがオススメ。0296-54-4090 Italian restaurant near Shimodate station. We recommend lunch, which is served by 3:00 pm.
209-13 Hei
下館駅近くのイタリアン・レストラン。15時までにやってるランチがオススメ。0296-54-4090 Italian restaurant near Shimodate station. We recommend lunch, which is served by 3:00 pm.
中華居酒屋。「風の家」から最も近い飲食店。 〒308-0805 茨城県筑西市稲野辺263 0296-25-3393 KAERIZAKI Honenmansaku. Chinese tavern. The closest restaurant to Kaze no Ie. 263 Inanobe, Chikusei City, Ibaraki Prefecture 308-0805
263 Inanobe
中華居酒屋。「風の家」から最も近い飲食店。 〒308-0805 茨城県筑西市稲野辺263 0296-25-3393 KAERIZAKI Honenmansaku. Chinese tavern. The closest restaurant to Kaze no Ie. 263 Inanobe, Chikusei City, Ibaraki Prefecture 308-0805
「風の家」より五行川の川辺を歩き10分ほど。気さくな大将、おかみさん、息子さんとアットホームな寿司屋。地元の常連客でいつもにぎわう。カウンターで大将と会話しながら、その日のオススメをご賞味ください。要予約。0296-22-3910 About a 10-minute walk along the Gogyo River from Kaze no Ie. A sushi restaurant where you can feel at home with the friendly chef, wife, and son. Always bustling with local regulars. Enjoy the day's recommendations while chatting with the chef at the counter. Reservation required.
584-4 Shimonakayama
「風の家」より五行川の川辺を歩き10分ほど。気さくな大将、おかみさん、息子さんとアットホームな寿司屋。地元の常連客でいつもにぎわう。カウンターで大将と会話しながら、その日のオススメをご賞味ください。要予約。0296-22-3910 About a 10-minute walk along the Gogyo River from Kaze no Ie. A sushi restaurant where you can feel at home with the friendly chef, wife, and son. Always bustling with local regulars. Enjoy the day's recommendations while chatting with the chef at the counter. Reservation required.

Parks & Nature

風の家から近い観光スポットを紹介。Introducing sightseeing spots near Kaze no Ie.
関東平野にそびえたつ霊山、筑波山。どこまでも平らな茨城県の中で一番高いスポット。パワースポットであり、温泉もあり、県内外から多くの観光客が訪れる。「風の家」からは筑波山神社の駐車場までクルマで30分ほど。駐車料金1日500円。水戸線下館駅からバスで50分ほど。写真は「筑波山神社入口」バス停。Mount Tsukuba, a sacred mountain that rises above the Kanto Plain. The highest spot in Ibaraki Prefecture, which is flat all the way. It is a power spot and has hot springs, so many tourists visit from inside and outside the prefecture. It takes about 30 minutes by car from Kaze no Ie to the parking lot of Mt. Tsukubasan Shrine. Parking fee is 500 yen per day. About 50 minutes by bus from Shimodate Station on the Mito Line. The photo shows the "Tsukubasan Jinja Iriguchi" bus stop.
Tsukubasan Jinja Iriguchi station
関東平野にそびえたつ霊山、筑波山。どこまでも平らな茨城県の中で一番高いスポット。パワースポットであり、温泉もあり、県内外から多くの観光客が訪れる。「風の家」からは筑波山神社の駐車場までクルマで30分ほど。駐車料金1日500円。水戸線下館駅からバスで50分ほど。写真は「筑波山神社入口」バス停。Mount Tsukuba, a sacred mountain that rises above the Kanto Plain. The highest spot in Ibaraki Prefecture, which is flat all the way. It is a power spot and has hot springs, so many tourists visit from inside and outside the prefecture. It takes about 30 minutes by car from Kaze no Ie to the parking lot of Mt. Tsukubasan Shrine. Parking fee is 500 yen per day. About 50 minutes by bus from Shimodate Station on the Mito Line. The photo shows the "Tsukubasan Jinja Iriguchi" bus stop.
国指定天然記念物の桜川の山桜。磯部稲村神社の参道をはさんで、両側約1キロメートルに及ぶ桜の並木は、古来から磯部の百色桜として知られた名所。『後撰和歌集』には紀貫之の「常よりも春辺になれば桜川波の花こそ間なく寄すらめ」をはじめ、多くの歌人たちが歌を残している。シーズンにはバスの運行あり。 Wild cherry blossoms along the Sakura River, a nationally designated natural monument. The 1-kilometer row of cherry blossom trees on both sides of the approach to Isobe Inamura Shrine has been known since ancient times as the 100-colored cherry blossoms of Isobe. In the "Gosen Wakashu" (Later Selected Wakashu), many poets left their poems, including Ki no Tsurayuki's ``When spring comes more than usual, the flowers of the waves of the Sakuragawa river will soon come to rest.'' There is a bus service in season.
Sakura of Sakuragawa
国指定天然記念物の桜川の山桜。磯部稲村神社の参道をはさんで、両側約1キロメートルに及ぶ桜の並木は、古来から磯部の百色桜として知られた名所。『後撰和歌集』には紀貫之の「常よりも春辺になれば桜川波の花こそ間なく寄すらめ」をはじめ、多くの歌人たちが歌を残している。シーズンにはバスの運行あり。 Wild cherry blossoms along the Sakura River, a nationally designated natural monument. The 1-kilometer row of cherry blossom trees on both sides of the approach to Isobe Inamura Shrine has been known since ancient times as the 100-colored cherry blossoms of Isobe. In the "Gosen Wakashu" (Later Selected Wakashu), many poets left their poems, including Ki no Tsurayuki's ``When spring comes more than usual, the flowers of the waves of the Sakuragawa river will soon come to rest.'' There is a bus service in season.
筑波山は関東平野にそびえる筑波連邦の中でも一番高い山で、男山と女山がある。登山コースもケーブルカーとロープウェイを含むライトなものから、ハードな本格的なコースまで複数あり、内容やメンバー、その日の気分によって選択できる。 Mt. Tsukuba is the highest mountain in the Tsukuba Federation that rises in the Kanto Plain, and there are Mt. Otoko and Mt. Onna.There are multiple mountaineering courses, from light courses including cable cars and ropeways to full-scale hard courses, and you can choose according to the content, members, and mood of the day.
Mount Tsukuba
筑波山は関東平野にそびえる筑波連邦の中でも一番高い山で、男山と女山がある。登山コースもケーブルカーとロープウェイを含むライトなものから、ハードな本格的なコースまで複数あり、内容やメンバー、その日の気分によって選択できる。 Mt. Tsukuba is the highest mountain in the Tsukuba Federation that rises in the Kanto Plain, and there are Mt. Otoko and Mt. Onna.There are multiple mountaineering courses, from light courses including cable cars and ropeways to full-scale hard courses, and you can choose according to the content, members, and mood of the day.
10月と2月の1年に2回、筑波山からの日の出「ダイヤモンド筑波」の絶景が見られる。快晴だと湖面に映る、ダブルダイヤモンド筑波が拝める絶景ポイント。周囲には桜の木が植えられ、春はお花見も楽しめる。「風の家」よりクルマで15分。 Twice a year, in October and February, you can see the spectacular "Diamond Tsukuba" sunrise from Mt. Tsukuba. A superb view point where you can admire Double Diamond Tsukuba, which is reflected on the surface of the lake when the weather is fine. Cherry trees are planted around it, and you can enjoy cherry blossom viewing in spring. 15 minutes by car from Kaze no Ie.
Hahakojima retarding
10月と2月の1年に2回、筑波山からの日の出「ダイヤモンド筑波」の絶景が見られる。快晴だと湖面に映る、ダブルダイヤモンド筑波が拝める絶景ポイント。周囲には桜の木が植えられ、春はお花見も楽しめる。「風の家」よりクルマで15分。 Twice a year, in October and February, you can see the spectacular "Diamond Tsukuba" sunrise from Mt. Tsukuba. A superb view point where you can admire Double Diamond Tsukuba, which is reflected on the surface of the lake when the weather is fine. Cherry trees are planted around it, and you can enjoy cherry blossom viewing in spring. 15 minutes by car from Kaze no Ie.
筑波山神社は、関東の霊峰「筑波山」を御神体と仰ぎ、約3千年の歴史を有する古社。境内は中腹の拝殿より山頂を含む約370haにおよび、山頂よりの眺望は関東一円が見渡せる絶景。筑波山登山口そばにあり、登山の無事の祈願とお礼参りに訪問する人が多い。縁結びや厄除け、交通安全の祈祷も毎日行っている。 Tsukubasan Shrine is an ancient shrine with a history of about 3,000 years, which worships the Kanto region's sacred Mt. Tsukuba as its object of worship. The precincts cover an area of about 370ha, including the mountaintop from the worship hall on the hillside, and the view from the mountaintop is a magnificent view of the entire Kanto region. Located near the trailhead of Mt. Tsukuba, many people visit to pray for a safe climb and to offer their thanks. Prayers for marriage, warding off evil, and traffic safety are also held daily.
Templo ng Tsukubasan
筑波山神社は、関東の霊峰「筑波山」を御神体と仰ぎ、約3千年の歴史を有する古社。境内は中腹の拝殿より山頂を含む約370haにおよび、山頂よりの眺望は関東一円が見渡せる絶景。筑波山登山口そばにあり、登山の無事の祈願とお礼参りに訪問する人が多い。縁結びや厄除け、交通安全の祈祷も毎日行っている。 Tsukubasan Shrine is an ancient shrine with a history of about 3,000 years, which worships the Kanto region's sacred Mt. Tsukuba as its object of worship. The precincts cover an area of about 370ha, including the mountaintop from the worship hall on the hillside, and the view from the mountaintop is a magnificent view of the entire Kanto region. Located near the trailhead of Mt. Tsukuba, many people visit to pray for a safe climb and to offer their thanks. Prayers for marriage, warding off evil, and traffic safety are also held daily.
日光「華厳の滝」、和歌山県「那智の滝」と並ぶ、日本3大瀑布のひとつ。水量はそれほどでもないが、冬には全面凍結することで有名。近くには温泉もある。 Along with Nikko's Kegon Falls and Wakayama Prefecture's Nachi Falls, it is one of Japan's three greatest waterfalls. The amount of water is not so much, but it is famous for being completely frozen in winter. There is also a hot spring nearby.
9 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Mga Talon ng Fukuroda
3-19 Fukuroda
9 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
日光「華厳の滝」、和歌山県「那智の滝」と並ぶ、日本3大瀑布のひとつ。水量はそれほどでもないが、冬には全面凍結することで有名。近くには温泉もある。 Along with Nikko's Kegon Falls and Wakayama Prefecture's Nachi Falls, it is one of Japan's three greatest waterfalls. The amount of water is not so much, but it is famous for being completely frozen in winter. There is also a hot spring nearby.
小栗にある古刹。伊勢神宮と同じ内宮、外宮の社殿は国内最古。伊勢神宮の御厨とされる。内宮は天照大神、外宮は豊受大神を祀る。風の家では御守りと御札を穂料1000円にて頒布。 An ancient temple in Oguri. The inner and outer shrine buildings, which are the same as Ise Jingu, are the oldest in Japan. It is considered to be the mikuriya of Ise Jingu. The inner shrine enshrines Amaterasu Omikami, and the outer shrine enshrines Toyouke Omikami. Kaze no Ie distributes charms and amulets for 1,000 yen.
Naigedai Shrine
小栗にある古刹。伊勢神宮と同じ内宮、外宮の社殿は国内最古。伊勢神宮の御厨とされる。内宮は天照大神、外宮は豊受大神を祀る。風の家では御守りと御札を穂料1000円にて頒布。 An ancient temple in Oguri. The inner and outer shrine buildings, which are the same as Ise Jingu, are the oldest in Japan. It is considered to be the mikuriya of Ise Jingu. The inner shrine enshrines Amaterasu Omikami, and the outer shrine enshrines Toyouke Omikami. Kaze no Ie distributes charms and amulets for 1,000 yen.


風の家の周辺および日帰りで行ける観光スポットの紹介。 Introduction of sightseeing spots around Kaze no Ie and day trips.
栃木県益子は「益子焼」で有名な陶芸の里。「風の家」からはクルマで約1時間。年に2回の「益子陶器市」では多くの陶芸ファンが集まる。「風の家」は板谷波山のおひざ元として、陶芸ファンの宿泊を歓迎します。 Mashiko, Tochigi Prefecture is a pottery town famous for "Mashiko ware". About 1 hour by car from Kaze no Ie. Many pottery fans gather at the "Mashiko Pottery Market" held twice a year. "Kaze no Ie" welcomes pottery fans as the home of Hazan Itaya.
Mashiko Pottery cooperative selling center
706-2 Mashiko
栃木県益子は「益子焼」で有名な陶芸の里。「風の家」からはクルマで約1時間。年に2回の「益子陶器市」では多くの陶芸ファンが集まる。「風の家」は板谷波山のおひざ元として、陶芸ファンの宿泊を歓迎します。 Mashiko, Tochigi Prefecture is a pottery town famous for "Mashiko ware". About 1 hour by car from Kaze no Ie. Many pottery fans gather at the "Mashiko Pottery Market" held twice a year. "Kaze no Ie" welcomes pottery fans as the home of Hazan Itaya.
下館は室町時代に水谷勝氏により、下館城が建立されたときが始まり。初代城主は城を護るため、5つの羽黒神社を建立。その後、6代政村が宇都宮氏に備えて久下田城を築き、周囲に2つの羽黒神社を建立。下館に残る7つの羽黒神社である。 Shimodate began when Shimodate Castle was built by Masaru Mizutani in the Muromachi period. The first lord of the castle built five Haguro shrines to protect the castle. After that, the 6th generation Masamura built Kugeta Castle in preparation for the Utsunomiya clan, and built two Haguro shrines around it. These are the seven remaining Haguro shrines in Shimodate.
Shiroyamahachiman Shrine
611 Kō
下館は室町時代に水谷勝氏により、下館城が建立されたときが始まり。初代城主は城を護るため、5つの羽黒神社を建立。その後、6代政村が宇都宮氏に備えて久下田城を築き、周囲に2つの羽黒神社を建立。下館に残る7つの羽黒神社である。 Shimodate began when Shimodate Castle was built by Masaru Mizutani in the Muromachi period. The first lord of the castle built five Haguro shrines to protect the castle. After that, the 6th generation Masamura built Kugeta Castle in preparation for the Utsunomiya clan, and built two Haguro shrines around it. These are the seven remaining Haguro shrines in Shimodate.
神社仏閣。 7月の「下館祇園祭」の際に神輿が奉納される神社。 7つの羽黒神社とは、「上羽黒神社」「外塚羽黒神社」「下岡崎羽黒神社」「竹島神社」「大根田羽黒神社」「口戸羽黒神社」「下羽黒神社」。 Shrines and temples. A shrine where portable shrines are dedicated during the Shimodate Gion Festival in July. The seven Haguro Shrines are Kamihaguro Shrine, Sotozukahaguro Shrine, Shimookazaki Haguro Shrine, Takeshima Shrine, Onedahaguro Shrine, Kuchitohaguro Shrine, and Shimohaguro Shrine.
Shimodatehaguro Shrine
26-37-1 Kō
神社仏閣。 7月の「下館祇園祭」の際に神輿が奉納される神社。 7つの羽黒神社とは、「上羽黒神社」「外塚羽黒神社」「下岡崎羽黒神社」「竹島神社」「大根田羽黒神社」「口戸羽黒神社」「下羽黒神社」。 Shrines and temples. A shrine where portable shrines are dedicated during the Shimodate Gion Festival in July. The seven Haguro Shrines are Kamihaguro Shrine, Sotozukahaguro Shrine, Shimookazaki Haguro Shrine, Takeshima Shrine, Onedahaguro Shrine, Kuchitohaguro Shrine, and Shimohaguro Shrine.
北関東の一番の観光地日光へ下館から電車で約2時間。日帰りもできるお手軽さ。東照宮は改装工事も終わり、ピカピカの陽明門に出会える。 About 2 hours by train from Shimodate to Nikko, the number one tourist destination in the northern Kanto region. It's so convenient that you can even use it as a day trip. The Toshogu Shrine has finished its renovation work, and you can meet the shiny Yomeimon Gate.
74 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Nikkō Tōshō-gū
2301 Sannai
74 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
北関東の一番の観光地日光へ下館から電車で約2時間。日帰りもできるお手軽さ。東照宮は改装工事も終わり、ピカピカの陽明門に出会える。 About 2 hours by train from Shimodate to Nikko, the number one tourist destination in the northern Kanto region. It's so convenient that you can even use it as a day trip. The Toshogu Shrine has finished its renovation work, and you can meet the shiny Yomeimon Gate.
雨引観音は、安産・子育て・子授け・厄除け・金運の霊験あらたかな観音さまで、坂東観音霊場の第24番礼所。桜、つつじ、牡丹、紫陽花、紅葉など四季折々の花が楽しめる寺として名高い。寺への道はカーブが多く、ミニいろは坂のよう。 Amabiki Kannon is the 24th temple of the Bando Kannon Sacred Site. It is famous as a temple where you can enjoy seasonal flowers such as cherry blossoms, azaleas, peonies, hydrangeas, and autumn leaves. The road to the temple has many curves, like a mini Irohazaka.
Amabikisan Rakuhōji (Amabiki Kannon)
1 Motogi
雨引観音は、安産・子育て・子授け・厄除け・金運の霊験あらたかな観音さまで、坂東観音霊場の第24番礼所。桜、つつじ、牡丹、紫陽花、紅葉など四季折々の花が楽しめる寺として名高い。寺への道はカーブが多く、ミニいろは坂のよう。 Amabiki Kannon is the 24th temple of the Bando Kannon Sacred Site. It is famous as a temple where you can enjoy seasonal flowers such as cherry blossoms, azaleas, peonies, hydrangeas, and autumn leaves. The road to the temple has many curves, like a mini Irohazaka.
栃木県真岡市にある金運があがる弁財天。その昔、白い大蛇がいたという逸話があり、入口には白蛇が鎮座している。小さな神社だが、神社の中にある泉の水でお金を洗うと金運がアップするといわれている。「風の家」からはクルマで20分ほど。 Benzaiten, located in Moka City, Tochigi Prefecture, is said to bring good luck with money. There is an anecdote that a long time ago, there was a white snake, and a white snake is enshrined at the entrance. It's a small shrine, but it's said that if you wash your money in the spring water inside the shrine, your financial luck will increase. About 20 minutes by car from Kaze no Ie.
2-63 久下田西
栃木県真岡市にある金運があがる弁財天。その昔、白い大蛇がいたという逸話があり、入口には白蛇が鎮座している。小さな神社だが、神社の中にある泉の水でお金を洗うと金運がアップするといわれている。「風の家」からはクルマで20分ほど。 Benzaiten, located in Moka City, Tochigi Prefecture, is said to bring good luck with money. There is an anecdote that a long time ago, there was a white snake, and a white snake is enshrined at the entrance. It's a small shrine, but it's said that if you wash your money in the spring water inside the shrine, your financial luck will increase. About 20 minutes by car from Kaze no Ie.