Mari's Guidebook

Mari's Guidebook


It's like fairy tales! There are great swans and other birds to see!
43 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Kastilyong Ravadinovo
43 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
It's like fairy tales! There are great swans and other birds to see!
I recommend taking a boat ride down the river to get to the mouth of the Ropotamo River, which is great views. The beaches by the mouth are also very picturesque and pristine. Worth
9 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Ropotamo Nature Reserve
9 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
I recommend taking a boat ride down the river to get to the mouth of the Ropotamo River, which is great views. The beaches by the mouth are also very picturesque and pristine. Worth
great beach where you can eat delicious food I recommend
St. Thomas Island
great beach where you can eat delicious food I recommend
Great father and son instructors. An all-inclusive base with its own training pool. You can find rental equipment if you do not have yours. Diving of sunken ships and other great places around Sozopol. The center is located in the Kavatsi locality on the road to the Dyuni complex. Yellow house on the left side of the road. They also do test dives for
Водолазен център Crazy Shark
Great father and son instructors. An all-inclusive base with its own training pool. You can find rental equipment if you do not have yours. Diving of sunken ships and other great places around Sozopol. The center is located in the Kavatsi locality on the road to the Dyuni complex. Yellow house on the left side of the road. They also do test dives for
The sea garden of Burgas and the shopping street with shops are a great place to walk when the weather is not suitable for the beach. A place to eat. ”
18 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Burgas Center
18 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
The sea garden of Burgas and the shopping street with shops are a great place to walk when the weather is not suitable for the beach. A place to eat. ”
This water park is only 7km away. from apartment "ZENIT" You can reach the village of Ravadinovo by bus from the Chernomorets bus station. The water park is close to a fabulous castle.
11 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Aquapark Neptun
11 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
This water park is only 7km away. from apartment "ZENIT" You can reach the village of Ravadinovo by bus from the Chernomorets bus station. The water park is close to a fabulous castle.
39 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
39 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Созополь - один из самых древних и красивых город Болгарии.   Более 2600 лет тому назад античные эллины основали тут своё поселение. На руинах располагавшегося здесь фракийского поселения они создали город-государство Аполонию. Город получил имя древнегреческого бога Солнца и покровителя искусств. Это был самый большой и богатейший город на побережье Чёрного моря. Здесь процветали торговля и культура. Археологи находят здесь древние монеты, амфоры, якоря античных суден и многое другое.
Современный Созополь делится на старый и новый город. Новый город называют Хармани в честь большого числа мельниц – харманов, располагавшихся здесь в античные времена. Сейчас сохранилась только одна такая мельница. На сегодняшний день новую часть города активно наполняют новые отели. Старый город представляет собой узкие улочки и старые дома, мощеную дорогу и тихие спокойные закоулки. Именно здесь в спокойной и романтической остановке проводят свой отдых влюблённые пары. Каждый год в конце августа Созополь превращается в культурный центр всей Европы. Со всех уголков континента, а кроме того, из Азии и Америки приезжают поклонники искусств, чтобы отдохнуть болгарским солнцем и получить наслаждение от богатой культурной программы Фестиваля искусств «Аполлония». В «Паисий Хилендарский» и в Археологическом музее проводятся поэтические рециталы, а также анонсируются новые книги. Стоит отметить, что все пляжи в стране муниципальные и вход на них свободные. Даже самые дорогие отели не имеют собственных пляжей, так что чистое тёплое море доступно всем отдыхающим. Местные жители очень гостеприимны и приветливы. Восхитительный отдых в Созополе запомнится на всю жизнь. Sozopol is the oldest city on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. The earliest settlement in the area occurred at the end of the 5th century BC. Initially, fishermen, farmers, cattle breeders and metallurgists had gained ore from the nearby copper rid. The village continued to develop through the Early Brozen Age, and the inhabitants traded with bronze alloys in the Black and Aegean Sea. The underwater surveys in the Aquatory of Sozopol port reveal remnants of housing, ceramic vessels, stone and bone guns from the Bronze Age. At the end of the 2 and the beginning of 1 millennium BC, the Thracians settled on the southwestern Black Sea coast. According to the Herodot, the area of today's Sozopol is settled by the Thracian tribe of skirmishes, known in antiquity as experienced Rudars, they maintained commercial links with the whole Aegean world. From this time, Numerous stone anchors and studs tested to active shipping are found in Sozopol bay. In 620 before Christ, emigrants from the big Greek city of Malazine Beach Miletland founded in the place of the Thracian settlement of the Greek colony with the name Antea. The colony is growing and the police, renamed later in Apollonia, grew up as an important commercial and port center in the Black Sea. The polis was near the lands of the Thracian tribes of skiers and nippers and his strategic layout allowed him to have the approaches of the rich in raw materials Black Sea Trakia and Strandja and play an intermediary role in trade between A The commercial influence of Apollonia in Thrace is based on a alliance with the rulers of the Odryski kingdom, concluded in the 5th century BC. The police maintains active connections with the big centers of Greece Milet, Athens, Corinth, Heracleya Pontiyski, Rhodes, Chios, Lesbos, Egypt and others. Since the end of the 6th century before Christ, Apolonia begins to cut his own coins. The importance of active trade by sea and shipping also determines the anchor's acceptance as a polis emblem and coins. Competition with a century created a century later Megarska Colony Messembria leads to the creation of the Anchial Colony. The new colony located directly south of Messimaria had the obligation to keep access to the Bourgas Bay through which the megrims were trying to trade with the Thracians. In addition to their strategic importance, Anhialo is rich and under subparent salts of salt. For the active salt extraction, the changes on the seabed in the bay according to the antiquity. Apolonia managed to preserve its independence and during the military campaigns of Philip II Macedonian (342-339 before Christ) and Alexander Macedonian (335 Beds). The rich city becomes a center of highly developed art. The city was a great temple of God Apollo. His exact location is not known, probably on the island of St. Kirik, but there was a 12-meter statue of Apollo, made by the Athens sculptor Kalamid. In 72 Before Christ, the Roman Pronutner Proconsule Mark Luck captured the city and relates to him the statue of God Apollo from the sanctuary and puts it in Capitol in Rome. The statue was melted after the adoption of Christianity for an official religion in the Roman Empire. Although the city deceased and retreats the lead role in Anhialo and Deultum's region, he is recovering, known in the Roman world with the Magna epithet (Great). Middle Ages Among the division of the Roman Empire in 395, the region of today's Sozopol enters the limits of the Eastern Roman Empire. At the time of Emperor Anastasius (491-518) around the city are built fortress walls, used in the following centuries, and in many places are reincarnated and completed. The city of the 4th century an important fortress in Constantinople's Hinterland, situated on the seaside road Via Pontica. In 812, in the management of the Bulgarian Kan Krum Sozopol entered Bulgaria, but like the other Black Sea cities, he often returned to Byzantine possession, and for the last time he was conquered by Todor Svetoslav. During the Middle Ages, it retains its status as a regional and episcopal city. To affirm him as one of the most important Christian centers on the Western Black Sea coast, the monasteries ("St. John Predrome", "St. Cyrik and Julita" and "St. Anastasia" In 1366 at the Count Amade Vi Vi Vi to the Bulgarian Black Sea (1366-1367), the city was captured and sold to Byzantium. In 1453 after a long siege and despite the help of Venetian and geneous ships, the city falls into the power of the Ottoman Turks. Ottoman period in 1629 all monasteries and churches in Sozopol are burned and destroyed by the Turks, which are an honorable object of pirates of pirates most of which are Cossacks. After the devastations, Sozopol, there is a leading role in the region. During the Russo-Turkish War (1828-1829) on February 15, 1829, the Russian Navy performed a desant under the leadership of the contrajmal Michael Nikolaevich Kumani in Sozopol and seizes it. The fortress has been transformed into a temporary base of the Black Sea fleet, and Russian troops are supported by Bulgarian-Greek volunte, formed by the population of the city and the surrounding area. When after the signing of the ODRINA peace treaty of 1829, Sozopol was returned to the Ottoman Empire, and part of the population leaves the city with the withdrawal Russian troops. Since the 18th-19th century were preserved churches and many wood and stone houses, creating an architectural look of today's Sozopol. Ancient icons and wood-carved iconostases present the achievements of artistic crafts of this time. After the Liberation later, the city became a great fishing center on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast and a fisheries school was opened, preparing footage for modern fishing with ships and cadets for naval powers. After the Anti-Geetska Pogroms in Bulgaria in 1906, the Zagorian slaughter followed, the Greek churches and school were closed and alarmed and the diocese headquarters was moved to Vassilico and later in Istanbul. In 1906, Sozopol also left 1045 Greeks, which settled mostly in Thessaly. Some of the Greek population of Sozopol, which was shaking in the 1930s, founded today's Greek village of Sozopoli. In 1974, the old town was turned into an architectural and archaeological reserve ancient Sozopol. Archeology as the beginning of archaeological surveys in the area of today's Sozopol is considered 1904 when a French team under the leadership of the French consul in Plovdiv Degran is directed to Sozopol where it was supposed to be an antique The results of the excavations were published by Archaeologist George Syria in 1924 in the French Review Arqueoshek. The antique artefacts found by the French archaeologists are handed over to the Louvre Fund in Paris. Among them are antique vases from the 17th-19th century of the 17th-19th century before Hr., Glotted wreath of a Thracian ruler, an exquisite bust of limestone of Apollonian woman from the 3 century Bedefit. One of the most significant excavations were held between 1946 and 1949 under the leadership of Ivan Venedikov and published in the Apollonia team. Since 2010, large archaeological excavations are held in the old part of the city, which lead to the discovery and restoration of the eastern and southern fortress walls, the southern fortress gate, medieval customs point, ceramic and metallo In the winter of 2011-2012, a team Bulgarian archaeologists under the leadership of Tsorna Drazjeva and Dimitar Nedev revealed to the southern fortress a single-plain church, a basilica and an ancient Christian necropolis. Since 2012 excavations are carried out jointly with French specialists. At the beginning of 2012, French archaeologists reveal in the Mesari area a large suburban mansion.
123 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
123 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Созополь - один из самых древних и красивых город Болгарии.   Более 2600 лет тому назад античные эллины основали тут своё поселение. На руинах располагавшегося здесь фракийского поселения они создали город-государство Аполонию. Город получил имя древнегреческого бога Солнца и покровителя искусств. Это был самый большой и богатейший город на побережье Чёрного моря. Здесь процветали торговля и культура. Археологи находят здесь древние монеты, амфоры, якоря античных суден и многое другое.
Современный Созополь делится на старый и новый город. Новый город называют Хармани в честь большого числа мельниц – харманов, располагавшихся здесь в античные времена. Сейчас сохранилась только одна такая мельница. На сегодняшний день новую часть города активно наполняют новые отели. Старый город представляет собой узкие улочки и старые дома, мощеную дорогу и тихие спокойные закоулки. Именно здесь в спокойной и романтической остановке проводят свой отдых влюблённые пары. Каждый год в конце августа Созополь превращается в культурный центр всей Европы. Со всех уголков континента, а кроме того, из Азии и Америки приезжают поклонники искусств, чтобы отдохнуть болгарским солнцем и получить наслаждение от богатой культурной программы Фестиваля искусств «Аполлония». В «Паисий Хилендарский» и в Археологическом музее проводятся поэтические рециталы, а также анонсируются новые книги. Стоит отметить, что все пляжи в стране муниципальные и вход на них свободные. Даже самые дорогие отели не имеют собственных пляжей, так что чистое тёплое море доступно всем отдыхающим. Местные жители очень гостеприимны и приветливы. Восхитительный отдых в Созополе запомнится на всю жизнь. Sozopol is the oldest city on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. The earliest settlement in the area occurred at the end of the 5th century BC. Initially, fishermen, farmers, cattle breeders and metallurgists had gained ore from the nearby copper rid. The village continued to develop through the Early Brozen Age, and the inhabitants traded with bronze alloys in the Black and Aegean Sea. The underwater surveys in the Aquatory of Sozopol port reveal remnants of housing, ceramic vessels, stone and bone guns from the Bronze Age. At the end of the 2 and the beginning of 1 millennium BC, the Thracians settled on the southwestern Black Sea coast. According to the Herodot, the area of today's Sozopol is settled by the Thracian tribe of skirmishes, known in antiquity as experienced Rudars, they maintained commercial links with the whole Aegean world. From this time, Numerous stone anchors and studs tested to active shipping are found in Sozopol bay. In 620 before Christ, emigrants from the big Greek city of Malazine Beach Miletland founded in the place of the Thracian settlement of the Greek colony with the name Antea. The colony is growing and the police, renamed later in Apollonia, grew up as an important commercial and port center in the Black Sea. The polis was near the lands of the Thracian tribes of skiers and nippers and his strategic layout allowed him to have the approaches of the rich in raw materials Black Sea Trakia and Strandja and play an intermediary role in trade between A The commercial influence of Apollonia in Thrace is based on a alliance with the rulers of the Odryski kingdom, concluded in the 5th century BC. The police maintains active connections with the big centers of Greece Milet, Athens, Corinth, Heracleya Pontiyski, Rhodes, Chios, Lesbos, Egypt and others. Since the end of the 6th century before Christ, Apolonia begins to cut his own coins. The importance of active trade by sea and shipping also determines the anchor's acceptance as a polis emblem and coins. Competition with a century created a century later Megarska Colony Messembria leads to the creation of the Anchial Colony. The new colony located directly south of Messimaria had the obligation to keep access to the Bourgas Bay through which the megrims were trying to trade with the Thracians. In addition to their strategic importance, Anhialo is rich and under subparent salts of salt. For the active salt extraction, the changes on the seabed in the bay according to the antiquity. Apolonia managed to preserve its independence and during the military campaigns of Philip II Macedonian (342-339 before Christ) and Alexander Macedonian (335 Beds). The rich city becomes a center of highly developed art. The city was a great temple of God Apollo. His exact location is not known, probably on the island of St. Kirik, but there was a 12-meter statue of Apollo, made by the Athens sculptor Kalamid. In 72 Before Christ, the Roman Pronutner Proconsule Mark Luck captured the city and relates to him the statue of God Apollo from the sanctuary and puts it in Capitol in Rome. The statue was melted after the adoption of Christianity for an official religion in the Roman Empire. Although the city deceased and retreats the lead role in Anhialo and Deultum's region, he is recovering, known in the Roman world with the Magna epithet (Great). Middle Ages Among the division of the Roman Empire in 395, the region of today's Sozopol enters the limits of the Eastern Roman Empire. At the time of Emperor Anastasius (491-518) around the city are built fortress walls, used in the following centuries, and in many places are reincarnated and completed. The city of the 4th century an important fortress in Constantinople's Hinterland, situated on the seaside road Via Pontica. In 812, in the management of the Bulgarian Kan Krum Sozopol entered Bulgaria, but like the other Black Sea cities, he often returned to Byzantine possession, and for the last time he was conquered by Todor Svetoslav. During the Middle Ages, it retains its status as a regional and episcopal city. To affirm him as one of the most important Christian centers on the Western Black Sea coast, the monasteries ("St. John Predrome", "St. Cyrik and Julita" and "St. Anastasia" In 1366 at the Count Amade Vi Vi Vi to the Bulgarian Black Sea (1366-1367), the city was captured and sold to Byzantium. In 1453 after a long siege and despite the help of Venetian and geneous ships, the city falls into the power of the Ottoman Turks. Ottoman period in 1629 all monasteries and churches in Sozopol are burned and destroyed by the Turks, which are an honorable object of pirates of pirates most of which are Cossacks. After the devastations, Sozopol, there is a leading role in the region. During the Russo-Turkish War (1828-1829) on February 15, 1829, the Russian Navy performed a desant under the leadership of the contrajmal Michael Nikolaevich Kumani in Sozopol and seizes it. The fortress has been transformed into a temporary base of the Black Sea fleet, and Russian troops are supported by Bulgarian-Greek volunte, formed by the population of the city and the surrounding area. When after the signing of the ODRINA peace treaty of 1829, Sozopol was returned to the Ottoman Empire, and part of the population leaves the city with the withdrawal Russian troops. Since the 18th-19th century were preserved churches and many wood and stone houses, creating an architectural look of today's Sozopol. Ancient icons and wood-carved iconostases present the achievements of artistic crafts of this time. After the Liberation later, the city became a great fishing center on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast and a fisheries school was opened, preparing footage for modern fishing with ships and cadets for naval powers. After the Anti-Geetska Pogroms in Bulgaria in 1906, the Zagorian slaughter followed, the Greek churches and school were closed and alarmed and the diocese headquarters was moved to Vassilico and later in Istanbul. In 1906, Sozopol also left 1045 Greeks, which settled mostly in Thessaly. Some of the Greek population of Sozopol, which was shaking in the 1930s, founded today's Greek village of Sozopoli. In 1974, the old town was turned into an architectural and archaeological reserve ancient Sozopol. Archeology as the beginning of archaeological surveys in the area of today's Sozopol is considered 1904 when a French team under the leadership of the French consul in Plovdiv Degran is directed to Sozopol where it was supposed to be an antique The results of the excavations were published by Archaeologist George Syria in 1924 in the French Review Arqueoshek. The antique artefacts found by the French archaeologists are handed over to the Louvre Fund in Paris. Among them are antique vases from the 17th-19th century of the 17th-19th century before Hr., Glotted wreath of a Thracian ruler, an exquisite bust of limestone of Apollonian woman from the 3 century Bedefit. One of the most significant excavations were held between 1946 and 1949 under the leadership of Ivan Venedikov and published in the Apollonia team. Since 2010, large archaeological excavations are held in the old part of the city, which lead to the discovery and restoration of the eastern and southern fortress walls, the southern fortress gate, medieval customs point, ceramic and metallo In the winter of 2011-2012, a team Bulgarian archaeologists under the leadership of Tsorna Drazjeva and Dimitar Nedev revealed to the southern fortress a single-plain church, a basilica and an ancient Christian necropolis. Since 2012 excavations are carried out jointly with French specialists. At the beginning of 2012, French archaeologists reveal in the Mesari area a large suburban mansion.