Guidebook for West Central District

Guidebook for West Central District

Food Scene

創於1991年,走進僅有38公分的入口處,沿著花草抬階而上,這就來到有如世外桃花源的窄門咖啡館。窗外一覽無疑的綠意景致和店內的溫馨陳設,構建許多人記憶中最慵懶放鬆的角落,值得前來一探究竟。 由兩棟樓房中間的小縫進去,走到樓房的後面,再攀爬一段露天的樓梯到二樓,就可以看到溫馨的咖啡屋。 English Introduction: Narrow Door Cafe gets its name from the narrow opening between buildings that allows access to the second floor cafe. The Narrow Door Cafe is in a wonderfully old building on Nanmen Road right across from the Confucian Temple. Its multi-paned wooden windows offer wonderful views of the temple grounds. Both the floors and high ceilings are old, dark wood. The decor is rustic and appealing. Its a fairly spacious and dark establishment with twin dining areas separated by a doorway. The atmosphere is comfortable enough to while away several hours on a Sunday afternoon.
20 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Narrow Door Cafe
67號 Nanmen Rd
20 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
創於1991年,走進僅有38公分的入口處,沿著花草抬階而上,這就來到有如世外桃花源的窄門咖啡館。窗外一覽無疑的綠意景致和店內的溫馨陳設,構建許多人記憶中最慵懶放鬆的角落,值得前來一探究竟。 由兩棟樓房中間的小縫進去,走到樓房的後面,再攀爬一段露天的樓梯到二樓,就可以看到溫馨的咖啡屋。 English Introduction: Narrow Door Cafe gets its name from the narrow opening between buildings that allows access to the second floor cafe. The Narrow Door Cafe is in a wonderfully old building on Nanmen Road right across from the Confucian Temple. Its multi-paned wooden windows offer wonderful views of the temple grounds. Both the floors and high ceilings are old, dark wood. The decor is rustic and appealing. Its a fairly spacious and dark establishment with twin dining areas separated by a doorway. The atmosphere is comfortable enough to while away several hours on a Sunday afternoon.
保安路為台南非常著名的美食街,短短百來公尺之內,集中著大量知名小吃,如阿明豬心、阿村牛肉湯、阿鳳浮水魚羹、阿堂鹹粥、下大道青草茶、阿龍香腸熟肉、葉家米粉花枝等皆位於附近。 English Introduction: Bao An Road is a narrow old street that runs parallel with Fuqian Road, starting from Ximen Road and all the way to the canal. You can find lots of traditional eateries up and down this street.
21 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Bao'an Road
21 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
保安路為台南非常著名的美食街,短短百來公尺之內,集中著大量知名小吃,如阿明豬心、阿村牛肉湯、阿鳳浮水魚羹、阿堂鹹粥、下大道青草茶、阿龍香腸熟肉、葉家米粉花枝等皆位於附近。 English Introduction: Bao An Road is a narrow old street that runs parallel with Fuqian Road, starting from Ximen Road and all the way to the canal. You can find lots of traditional eateries up and down this street.
台南的牛肉湯在台灣非常有名,因為台南當地有許多屠宰場,牛肉當天現宰,然後分切完就直送店內,下鍋烹煮,所以新鮮可想而知。阿村牛肉湯的牛肉是從新化的屠宰場送來的,為了獲得最新鮮、穩定的貨源,所以自己找新化的溫體牛肉。清澈的湯頭是用牛大骨、白蘿蔔和洋蔥熬製而成,牛肉片則是以俐落的刀法切成薄片,放在碗中,然後舀一杓滾燙的高湯,淋在牛肉片上,以湯的溫度,使肉片呈現半熟的粉紅色,由於鮮嫩,不太需要咀嚼,就可以輕鬆吞下,沒有怪味或腥味,值得您來一試。 English Introduction: Ah Cun Beef Soup is a small shop selling traditional Tainan beef soup, thinly sliced ultra-fresh tender raw beef dumped into a bowl of steaming stock flavoured with bean paste, ginger and soy paste and topped with green onions – this is also the preferred local breakfast.
6 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
41 Bao'an Rd
6 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
台南的牛肉湯在台灣非常有名,因為台南當地有許多屠宰場,牛肉當天現宰,然後分切完就直送店內,下鍋烹煮,所以新鮮可想而知。阿村牛肉湯的牛肉是從新化的屠宰場送來的,為了獲得最新鮮、穩定的貨源,所以自己找新化的溫體牛肉。清澈的湯頭是用牛大骨、白蘿蔔和洋蔥熬製而成,牛肉片則是以俐落的刀法切成薄片,放在碗中,然後舀一杓滾燙的高湯,淋在牛肉片上,以湯的溫度,使肉片呈現半熟的粉紅色,由於鮮嫩,不太需要咀嚼,就可以輕鬆吞下,沒有怪味或腥味,值得您來一試。 English Introduction: Ah Cun Beef Soup is a small shop selling traditional Tainan beef soup, thinly sliced ultra-fresh tender raw beef dumped into a bowl of steaming stock flavoured with bean paste, ginger and soy paste and topped with green onions – this is also the preferred local breakfast.
浮水魚羹是取自魚肚和魚背肉,將魚肉打成漿,稍加調味後,捏成一條條的魚羹塊,丟入滾水中,熟了就會浮起來,所以才會叫做浮水魚羹,煮過魚羹快的湯,再加入地瓜粉經勾芡後,反而成為清甜可口的羹湯。而阿鳳的浮水魚羹內餡包虱目魚,不帶骨刺,且魚漿是用虱目魚再加入香菜、薑絲與黑醋做成的,味道令人覺得特別的鮮美。 English Introduction: Milkfish, also known as Sabafish is very popular in Tainan. The fish can be made into many different delicacies, including deep-fried milkfish, milkfish-broth seafood crispy noodles, milkfish congee, milkfish balls, milkfish soup, etc. Milkfish has a creamy taste, but one has to be very careful when eating as the fish has many small fish bones. Visitor may find many milkfish restaurants in Tainan providing fresh milkfish dishes, out of these restaurants,Ah-Fong scalded milkfish ball thick soup is one of the most popular one.Scalded Milkfish Ball Thick Soup with shredded ginger and black vinegar is wonderful.You can't pass up this soup.
8 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
59 Bao'an Rd
8 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
浮水魚羹是取自魚肚和魚背肉,將魚肉打成漿,稍加調味後,捏成一條條的魚羹塊,丟入滾水中,熟了就會浮起來,所以才會叫做浮水魚羹,煮過魚羹快的湯,再加入地瓜粉經勾芡後,反而成為清甜可口的羹湯。而阿鳳的浮水魚羹內餡包虱目魚,不帶骨刺,且魚漿是用虱目魚再加入香菜、薑絲與黑醋做成的,味道令人覺得特別的鮮美。 English Introduction: Milkfish, also known as Sabafish is very popular in Tainan. The fish can be made into many different delicacies, including deep-fried milkfish, milkfish-broth seafood crispy noodles, milkfish congee, milkfish balls, milkfish soup, etc. Milkfish has a creamy taste, but one has to be very careful when eating as the fish has many small fish bones. Visitor may find many milkfish restaurants in Tainan providing fresh milkfish dishes, out of these restaurants,Ah-Fong scalded milkfish ball thick soup is one of the most popular one.Scalded Milkfish Ball Thick Soup with shredded ginger and black vinegar is wonderful.You can't pass up this soup.
鱔魚是台灣南部的知名小吃,招牌的鱔魚意麵集合了酸、甜、鹹、辣、鮮於一碗的芡汁,醬汁是用洋蔥、胡椒粉、純米醋、糖等熬煮製作,炒的時候配上南部特有的油炸意麵與蒜頭、高麗菜、洋蔥、青蔥大火轟炒,鱔魚吃起來口感脆脆的,與帶甜味的醬汁炒起來很對味。 而老闆獨創,利用鱔魚骨加上涼藥材燉一整天而成的藥膳養生湯,清清甜甜喝上一碗,全身立刻暖呼呼。 English Introduction: "Ah-Hui Fried Eel 's owner, Mr. Xu Quan Hui, inherited his father's excellent culinary skills, and due to his own passion in cooking eel, Mr. Xu's store serves one of Tainan's most popular Eel noodles. Known as a local, traditional delicacy, Mr. Xu first stir-fries fresh eel under a big fire and then adds Tainan's highest-quality noodles. The noodles are specially made broad noodles, the eels are fried crispy and the eel noodles are best eaten with the store's own, secret sweet and sour sauce. The result is a bowl of hot, tasty eel noodles which will definitely leave your mouth watering."
8 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
352號 Section 2, Ximen Rd
8 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
鱔魚是台灣南部的知名小吃,招牌的鱔魚意麵集合了酸、甜、鹹、辣、鮮於一碗的芡汁,醬汁是用洋蔥、胡椒粉、純米醋、糖等熬煮製作,炒的時候配上南部特有的油炸意麵與蒜頭、高麗菜、洋蔥、青蔥大火轟炒,鱔魚吃起來口感脆脆的,與帶甜味的醬汁炒起來很對味。 而老闆獨創,利用鱔魚骨加上涼藥材燉一整天而成的藥膳養生湯,清清甜甜喝上一碗,全身立刻暖呼呼。 English Introduction: "Ah-Hui Fried Eel 's owner, Mr. Xu Quan Hui, inherited his father's excellent culinary skills, and due to his own passion in cooking eel, Mr. Xu's store serves one of Tainan's most popular Eel noodles. Known as a local, traditional delicacy, Mr. Xu first stir-fries fresh eel under a big fire and then adds Tainan's highest-quality noodles. The noodles are specially made broad noodles, the eels are fried crispy and the eel noodles are best eaten with the store's own, secret sweet and sour sauce. The result is a bowl of hot, tasty eel noodles which will definitely leave your mouth watering."
「森茂碗粿」的由來,老一輩長者都知道取名於曾任台南市機要秘書的陳森茂先生,1977年一直賣到現在,因口味獨特,香Q爽口,所以很受到府城顧客的讚賞。多年來隨著時間過去和陳森茂先生的過世,民眾已不記得「陳森茂」這號政治人物,但「森茂碗粿」人潮依然洶湧,靠著多年製造碗粿的功力及消費者的口碑,逐漸成為了眾所皆知的台南小吃代表之一。 English Introduction: "Sen Mao Bowl Rice Cake" is named after "Mr. Chen Sen Mao", ex-Secretary of Tainan City, and it has more than 30 years of history. The reason behind its success is its unique and delicious taste. It started with just a store front in Kai Shan Road, but now it has expanded its business to open a 2nd store in Chi Kan along 2nd Section, Min Zhu Road. Both stores continue to offer high-quality bowl rice cakes, and it is no wonder why the stores are always full of people.
6 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
317號 Kaishan Rd
6 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
「森茂碗粿」的由來,老一輩長者都知道取名於曾任台南市機要秘書的陳森茂先生,1977年一直賣到現在,因口味獨特,香Q爽口,所以很受到府城顧客的讚賞。多年來隨著時間過去和陳森茂先生的過世,民眾已不記得「陳森茂」這號政治人物,但「森茂碗粿」人潮依然洶湧,靠著多年製造碗粿的功力及消費者的口碑,逐漸成為了眾所皆知的台南小吃代表之一。 English Introduction: "Sen Mao Bowl Rice Cake" is named after "Mr. Chen Sen Mao", ex-Secretary of Tainan City, and it has more than 30 years of history. The reason behind its success is its unique and delicious taste. It started with just a store front in Kai Shan Road, but now it has expanded its business to open a 2nd store in Chi Kan along 2nd Section, Min Zhu Road. Both stores continue to offer high-quality bowl rice cakes, and it is no wonder why the stores are always full of people.
屏東肉圓的皮較厚且內餡是切散的小肉塊,而福記肉圓的內餡是用整塊肉(傳統台南蝦仁肉圓則是用肉燥喔!),製作方式是用生肉浸泡醬汁再外包肉圓皮直接下去炊煮,為了讓較大塊的肉蒸熟,時間也比較久,因此肉圓皮也比一般肉圓的稍軟且吃得出肉香!福記的沾醬也是由江老闆為配合福記肉圓特別研發的,主要是由糖、醬油、蕃茄醬、豆腐乳等調製,而非一般普通的醬油,老闆還特別強調「福記肉圓的好吃,就在肉圓、醬汁和大骨熬湯搭配起來的整體風味!」 English Introduction: Different from other traditional Tainan Meat Balls made with minced meat, "Fu Ji Meat Balls" are stuffed with entire pieces of meat and made by immersing raw meat into fragrant sauces, wrapped with meat ball skin and then cooked. To ensure that the meat inside the meat balls are fully cooked, the cooking time is longer so the meat ball skin is softer and more fragrant than other traditional meat balls. The meat balls are best eaten together with the owner's own special sauces.
13 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Fu Ji meatballs
299 Section 1, Fuqian Rd
13 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
屏東肉圓的皮較厚且內餡是切散的小肉塊,而福記肉圓的內餡是用整塊肉(傳統台南蝦仁肉圓則是用肉燥喔!),製作方式是用生肉浸泡醬汁再外包肉圓皮直接下去炊煮,為了讓較大塊的肉蒸熟,時間也比較久,因此肉圓皮也比一般肉圓的稍軟且吃得出肉香!福記的沾醬也是由江老闆為配合福記肉圓特別研發的,主要是由糖、醬油、蕃茄醬、豆腐乳等調製,而非一般普通的醬油,老闆還特別強調「福記肉圓的好吃,就在肉圓、醬汁和大骨熬湯搭配起來的整體風味!」 English Introduction: Different from other traditional Tainan Meat Balls made with minced meat, "Fu Ji Meat Balls" are stuffed with entire pieces of meat and made by immersing raw meat into fragrant sauces, wrapped with meat ball skin and then cooked. To ensure that the meat inside the meat balls are fully cooked, the cooking time is longer so the meat ball skin is softer and more fragrant than other traditional meat balls. The meat balls are best eaten together with the owner's own special sauces.
自1947年開業至今,雖然現在的店面翻新過了,但舊時的冰果室歷史都被店家集結成列在二樓,完整保留下來。三五好友坐在店裏頭吃冰,好似回到學生時代,享受下課後短暫歡愉小時光的氛圍,相當溫馨。 綜合水果冰是來這邊必點的。除了有大量新鮮、配色豐富的水果外,店家會在清冰佐上檸檬汁,搭配上水果及店家特製糖水,吃起來既清爽又消暑,用最簡單的方式讓人吃到最真實的東西。 English Introduction: "Li Li Fruit Store" has been established for more than 50 years, and many residents in Tainan grew up eating fruits from "Li Li Fruit Store". The owner, Mr. Li, enjoys sharing his healthy, and joyful business management skills, and this store is a "must-visit" store for many tourists to Tainan.
54 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Lily Fruit
199號 Section 1, Fuqian Rd
54 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
自1947年開業至今,雖然現在的店面翻新過了,但舊時的冰果室歷史都被店家集結成列在二樓,完整保留下來。三五好友坐在店裏頭吃冰,好似回到學生時代,享受下課後短暫歡愉小時光的氛圍,相當溫馨。 綜合水果冰是來這邊必點的。除了有大量新鮮、配色豐富的水果外,店家會在清冰佐上檸檬汁,搭配上水果及店家特製糖水,吃起來既清爽又消暑,用最簡單的方式讓人吃到最真實的東西。 English Introduction: "Li Li Fruit Store" has been established for more than 50 years, and many residents in Tainan grew up eating fruits from "Li Li Fruit Store". The owner, Mr. Li, enjoys sharing his healthy, and joyful business management skills, and this store is a "must-visit" store for many tourists to Tainan.
台南小吃的文化,就不能不提到代表府城意象的度小月擔仔麵。一碗好吃的擔仔麵重點就在那從來不洗的肉燥小鍋裡。已有幾十年的肉燥鍋,鍋邊的肉燥天天加厚,鍋裡的肉燥卻香得愈來愈讓人感到不可抗拒,這就是一碗正宗度小月擔仔麵的菁華所在。 English Introduction: The store's most famous minced pork gravy can be eaten with noodles and rice, as condiments or used for cooking vegetables. The gravy is made by frying high-quality pork leg meat with Taiwanese onions and special condiments are added to enhance the gravy's taste. All the ingredients are cooked for a long time and under high temperature to kill bacteria so that customers are guaranteed the most delicious and highest-quality minced pork gravy.
9 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
度小月擔仔麵 原始店本舖
16號 Zhongzheng Rd
9 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
台南小吃的文化,就不能不提到代表府城意象的度小月擔仔麵。一碗好吃的擔仔麵重點就在那從來不洗的肉燥小鍋裡。已有幾十年的肉燥鍋,鍋邊的肉燥天天加厚,鍋裡的肉燥卻香得愈來愈讓人感到不可抗拒,這就是一碗正宗度小月擔仔麵的菁華所在。 English Introduction: The store's most famous minced pork gravy can be eaten with noodles and rice, as condiments or used for cooking vegetables. The gravy is made by frying high-quality pork leg meat with Taiwanese onions and special condiments are added to enhance the gravy's taste. All the ingredients are cooked for a long time and under high temperature to kill bacteria so that customers are guaranteed the most delicious and highest-quality minced pork gravy.
秉持古早糖間的做法製作冰糖,將熬製冰糖結晶後剩餘的糖漿,再加新鮮冬瓜切條下去熬煮冬瓜糖及做冬瓜露,冬瓜茶就是冬瓜露所沖製的飲料,有濃濃的焦糖香,冰涼後飲用非常可口。 English Introduction: "Yi Feng Winter Melon Factory" has many outlets throughout Taiwan, and is currently managed by the founder (Lin Family)'s future generations. "Yi Feng Winter Melon Tea" has a unique, caramel taste, and until today, is still fully hand-made and not made in large quantities every day. To prevent disappointment, customers are recommended to call and place a reservation in advance.
15 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
190號 Section 2, Yongfu Rd
15 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
秉持古早糖間的做法製作冰糖,將熬製冰糖結晶後剩餘的糖漿,再加新鮮冬瓜切條下去熬煮冬瓜糖及做冬瓜露,冬瓜茶就是冬瓜露所沖製的飲料,有濃濃的焦糖香,冰涼後飲用非常可口。 English Introduction: "Yi Feng Winter Melon Factory" has many outlets throughout Taiwan, and is currently managed by the founder (Lin Family)'s future generations. "Yi Feng Winter Melon Tea" has a unique, caramel taste, and until today, is still fully hand-made and not made in large quantities every day. To prevent disappointment, customers are recommended to call and place a reservation in advance.
50年老店,特選豬腹膜作為包裹蝦捲的外皮,經高溫油炸後,原先分布在腹膜上的油脂溶化,滲入內餡,使得周氏蝦捲嚐起來格外鮮嫩多汁,香味四溢。特製的裹粉,則是周家研製多年的祖傳配方,油炸後皮薄酥脆,即使放至一段時間,也不易變軟或變硬,完美保留蝦捲的美味口感。 English Introduction: 50-year old store uses only fresh shrimps and quality minced pork, mixed with fish paste as fillings, and then wrapped with pig belly membrane, dipped in flour, and deep-fried. The aromatic evenly spread lard inside the membrane will melt into the fillings, giving the shrimp rolls the extra juicy and mouth-watering smell.
30 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
周氏蝦捲 台南總店
408-1號 Anping Rd
30 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
50年老店,特選豬腹膜作為包裹蝦捲的外皮,經高溫油炸後,原先分布在腹膜上的油脂溶化,滲入內餡,使得周氏蝦捲嚐起來格外鮮嫩多汁,香味四溢。特製的裹粉,則是周家研製多年的祖傳配方,油炸後皮薄酥脆,即使放至一段時間,也不易變軟或變硬,完美保留蝦捲的美味口感。 English Introduction: 50-year old store uses only fresh shrimps and quality minced pork, mixed with fish paste as fillings, and then wrapped with pig belly membrane, dipped in flour, and deep-fried. The aromatic evenly spread lard inside the membrane will melt into the fillings, giving the shrimp rolls the extra juicy and mouth-watering smell.
台南最古老、也是最傳統的古早味鍋燒麵店,強調日式古早味口感,湯頭由柴魚熬煮四小時而成。油炸的意麵麵條,是由中筋麵粉、鴨蛋以手製而成,即使經過油炸,也能吃出香滑口感。 English Introduction: Pot-cooked Egg Noodles includes pre-fried egg noodles, seafood and egg. It's a famous local dish in Tainan.
13 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
李媽媽民族鍋燒老店 Minzu Nabeyaki Noodle Shop
197號 Section 2, Zhongyi Rd
13 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
台南最古老、也是最傳統的古早味鍋燒麵店,強調日式古早味口感,湯頭由柴魚熬煮四小時而成。油炸的意麵麵條,是由中筋麵粉、鴨蛋以手製而成,即使經過油炸,也能吃出香滑口感。 English Introduction: Pot-cooked Egg Noodles includes pre-fried egg noodles, seafood and egg. It's a famous local dish in Tainan.
「石精臼」原本是一個小吃的集散地,因為改建所以許多小吃攤都分散各地,而掛上石精臼招牌的,大多已經營有三十年以上。「石精臼」的牛肉湯標榜全部使用新鮮度百分百的正宗台灣黃牛肉,老闆每天現宰牛肉、切成薄片,再將切片好的牛肉放入篩子中過水燙一兩秒後放入碗中,以篩子濾出熱湯倒入碗內將牛肉燙至五分熟左右,除了保持了牛肉的鮮度外,也讓湯更有牛肉的味道。 English Introduction: Shi-jing-jiu Night Market next to Chikan Tower, and also many food stalls set up around the Grand Mazu and God of War temples. One of it is Shi Jing Jiu Beef Soup.Beef soup is one of Tainan’s most famous dishes. Best eaten in the morning or afternoon, the beef in this soup is incredible. Beef soup’s claim to fame is that they only use beef from cows that have been slaughtered that morning, making the beef incredibly tender and fresh. There is nothing else in the soup besides beef, making the meat the sole focus. The soup isn’t very filling though, which makes it a perfect breakfast.
14 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
246號 Section 2, Minzu Rd
14 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
「石精臼」原本是一個小吃的集散地,因為改建所以許多小吃攤都分散各地,而掛上石精臼招牌的,大多已經營有三十年以上。「石精臼」的牛肉湯標榜全部使用新鮮度百分百的正宗台灣黃牛肉,老闆每天現宰牛肉、切成薄片,再將切片好的牛肉放入篩子中過水燙一兩秒後放入碗中,以篩子濾出熱湯倒入碗內將牛肉燙至五分熟左右,除了保持了牛肉的鮮度外,也讓湯更有牛肉的味道。 English Introduction: Shi-jing-jiu Night Market next to Chikan Tower, and also many food stalls set up around the Grand Mazu and God of War temples. One of it is Shi Jing Jiu Beef Soup.Beef soup is one of Tainan’s most famous dishes. Best eaten in the morning or afternoon, the beef in this soup is incredible. Beef soup’s claim to fame is that they only use beef from cows that have been slaughtered that morning, making the beef incredibly tender and fresh. There is nothing else in the soup besides beef, making the meat the sole focus. The soup isn’t very filling though, which makes it a perfect breakfast.

Everything Else

為台南歷史最悠久的夜市,共有250家攤位,附有6000坪的汽機車停車位。武聖夜市曾於90年代盛極一時,而後因各大型夜市出現而逐漸流失客源,但隨著努力轉型與維持品質,漸成獨特的風格與特色,許多台南老牌的夜市小吃大多是由這起家的,週遭更有赤崁樓、台南孔廟、延平郡王祠等多個熱門觀光景點,來台南時不妨來武聖夜市體驗在地的文化及品嘗傳統的好味道。 English Introduction: Wusheng Night Market is the oldest night market in Tainan. Located in the West Central District, it’s been open over 29 years. Covering 2400 hectares, 250 vendors and over 6000 motorcycle parking space.Many of the famous local snacks and vendors began in this night market. The nearby Chihkan Tower and Tainan Confucius Temple are popular historical attractions. For Tainan historical tour, Wusheng Night Market is where you find the local specialties.
63 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Wusheng Night Market
Lane 69, Wusheng Road
63 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
為台南歷史最悠久的夜市,共有250家攤位,附有6000坪的汽機車停車位。武聖夜市曾於90年代盛極一時,而後因各大型夜市出現而逐漸流失客源,但隨著努力轉型與維持品質,漸成獨特的風格與特色,許多台南老牌的夜市小吃大多是由這起家的,週遭更有赤崁樓、台南孔廟、延平郡王祠等多個熱門觀光景點,來台南時不妨來武聖夜市體驗在地的文化及品嘗傳統的好味道。 English Introduction: Wusheng Night Market is the oldest night market in Tainan. Located in the West Central District, it’s been open over 29 years. Covering 2400 hectares, 250 vendors and over 6000 motorcycle parking space.Many of the famous local snacks and vendors began in this night market. The nearby Chihkan Tower and Tainan Confucius Temple are popular historical attractions. For Tainan historical tour, Wusheng Night Market is where you find the local specialties.
大東夜市屬於台南市新一代的夜市,是一個近十年來迅速成長的夜市,與花園及武聖並稱台南三大夜市。裡頭除了有傳統小吃、特色飲品、創意料理、原住民美食等琳瑯滿目的種類,還有服飾、精品、日常用品等選項,也有射水球、彈珠台、套圈圈等遊戲,讓您重溫童年記憶。 English Introduction: Another popular night market, Dadong gets extremely busy on Friday nights as lots of students from the nearby university close in on the cheap eats. Among the usual night market foods, perhaps the most popular here is the congealed duck’s blood soup… sound delicious? Actually, it is! Look for the long line and you will find it.
67 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Ta-Tung Night Market
276號 Section 1, Linsen Rd
67 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
大東夜市屬於台南市新一代的夜市,是一個近十年來迅速成長的夜市,與花園及武聖並稱台南三大夜市。裡頭除了有傳統小吃、特色飲品、創意料理、原住民美食等琳瑯滿目的種類,還有服飾、精品、日常用品等選項,也有射水球、彈珠台、套圈圈等遊戲,讓您重溫童年記憶。 English Introduction: Another popular night market, Dadong gets extremely busy on Friday nights as lots of students from the nearby university close in on the cheap eats. Among the usual night market foods, perhaps the most popular here is the congealed duck’s blood soup… sound delicious? Actually, it is! Look for the long line and you will find it.
台灣十大夜市票選之冠,約近400家攤位,共劃分美食小吃、流行服飾、精品百貨、休閒娛樂等四大區域,其中人潮最多的,莫過於能填飽大家五臟廟的美食小吃區。火鍋、燒烤、沙威瑪、臭豆腐、臭臭鍋、塩水雞、蚵仔煎、牛排和大腸香腸等等小吃應有盡有。 English Introduction: Garden Night Market is a large and conveniently located night market with an extensive array of tasty Tainan specialty foods. The wide selection of clothing, accessories and other items further add to the popularity of this tourism hot spot.
137 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Garden Night Market
533號 Section 3, Hai'an Rd
137 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
台灣十大夜市票選之冠,約近400家攤位,共劃分美食小吃、流行服飾、精品百貨、休閒娛樂等四大區域,其中人潮最多的,莫過於能填飽大家五臟廟的美食小吃區。火鍋、燒烤、沙威瑪、臭豆腐、臭臭鍋、塩水雞、蚵仔煎、牛排和大腸香腸等等小吃應有盡有。 English Introduction: Garden Night Market is a large and conveniently located night market with an extensive array of tasty Tainan specialty foods. The wide selection of clothing, accessories and other items further add to the popularity of this tourism hot spot.


目前台南最大的獨棟百貨,結合購物中心與百貨公司全方位服務機能的大型休閒購物商場,延攬大型超市、影城、SPA、髮廊等,具備一次購足、大眾生活機能的娛樂休閒空間。 English Introduction: Situated in the heart of Tainan’s busiest commercial area and transportation hub, Shin Kong Mitsukoshi’s Tainan Ximen Store is an integrated shopping center and department store offering a large-scale shopping mall, full-service supermarket, cinema, spa, and salon, providing the public a unique space for shopping and leisure.
84 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Tainan Xintiandi
658號 Section 1, Ximen Rd
84 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
目前台南最大的獨棟百貨,結合購物中心與百貨公司全方位服務機能的大型休閒購物商場,延攬大型超市、影城、SPA、髮廊等,具備一次購足、大眾生活機能的娛樂休閒空間。 English Introduction: Situated in the heart of Tainan’s busiest commercial area and transportation hub, Shin Kong Mitsukoshi’s Tainan Ximen Store is an integrated shopping center and department store offering a large-scale shopping mall, full-service supermarket, cinema, spa, and salon, providing the public a unique space for shopping and leisure.
是戰前台南第一棟有附設電梯及採用鋼筋混凝土結構的建築,如今是台灣碩果僅存的日治時期百貨建築。二次大戰後曾改為其他用途,亦曾長期閒置,後來公告為市定古蹟。 English Introduction: Built in 1932, it was the biggest department store in Tainan and the local once called it "Wu Ceng Lou Zi' (Owhich literally means five-story building). It was named after its Japanese owner, Mr. Lin, as visitors can see the character, Lin, shown on the window of the building. The first elevator in Tainan sits in this department store.
191 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Tindahan ng Hayashi Department
63號 Section 2, Zhongyi Rd
191 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
是戰前台南第一棟有附設電梯及採用鋼筋混凝土結構的建築,如今是台灣碩果僅存的日治時期百貨建築。二次大戰後曾改為其他用途,亦曾長期閒置,後來公告為市定古蹟。 English Introduction: Built in 1932, it was the biggest department store in Tainan and the local once called it "Wu Ceng Lou Zi' (Owhich literally means five-story building). It was named after its Japanese owner, Mr. Lin, as visitors can see the character, Lin, shown on the window of the building. The first elevator in Tainan sits in this department store.
Sa Sa莎莎美妝台南店位於FOCUS SQUARE時尚流行館內,店內商品多樣而豐富,舉凡保養品、彩妝、香水、身體、髮品、香氛等各種產品應有盡有。 English Introduction: Sa Sa cosmetics store-Tainan Store in the FOCUS SQUARE, it has over 280 retail stores and counters in Asia selling over 600 brands of skincare, fragrance, make-up and hair care, body care products, health and beauty supplements.
15 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Focus 時尚流行館
166號 Zhongshan Rd
15 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Sa Sa莎莎美妝台南店位於FOCUS SQUARE時尚流行館內,店內商品多樣而豐富,舉凡保養品、彩妝、香水、身體、髮品、香氛等各種產品應有盡有。 English Introduction: Sa Sa cosmetics store-Tainan Store in the FOCUS SQUARE, it has over 280 retail stores and counters in Asia selling over 600 brands of skincare, fragrance, make-up and hair care, body care products, health and beauty supplements.
成立於1995年,經營以藥品、化粧品、生活用品銷售為主之專業連鎖藥粧店。 English Introduction: Established in 1995, COSMED is a franchise drugstore for drugs, cosmetics and daily commodities.
314號 Section 1, Beimen Rd
成立於1995年,經營以藥品、化粧品、生活用品銷售為主之專業連鎖藥粧店。 English Introduction: Established in 1995, COSMED is a franchise drugstore for drugs, cosmetics and daily commodities.


延平老街,也就是安平老街,又稱台灣街或石板街。位在安平古堡東側,是三百年前荷蘭人在安平所建的第一條街道,因此又稱台灣第一街。延平老街以傳統製法蜜餞、古早味玩具及糖果等等著名,因為近年來觀光盛行,現在老街內店家大多賣紀念商品,假日兩旁攤販林立,就像是白天的花園夜市。 老街內建築有土角厝、紅磚矮屋、西式洋樓,還有夾雜著一些現代的鋼筋水泥建築。洋樓大多市白粉牆或洗石子面牆,欄杆、柱頭或屋簷上飾以手工精緻的浮雕。建議可到中興街和效忠街逛逛,追尋老街風華。 English Introduction: Anping street which is right next to Anping Fort is the first road Dutch people constructed about three hundred years ago, also being called '' the first street in Taiwan.
142 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Lumang Kalye ng Anping
Yanping Street
142 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
延平老街,也就是安平老街,又稱台灣街或石板街。位在安平古堡東側,是三百年前荷蘭人在安平所建的第一條街道,因此又稱台灣第一街。延平老街以傳統製法蜜餞、古早味玩具及糖果等等著名,因為近年來觀光盛行,現在老街內店家大多賣紀念商品,假日兩旁攤販林立,就像是白天的花園夜市。 老街內建築有土角厝、紅磚矮屋、西式洋樓,還有夾雜著一些現代的鋼筋水泥建築。洋樓大多市白粉牆或洗石子面牆,欄杆、柱頭或屋簷上飾以手工精緻的浮雕。建議可到中興街和效忠街逛逛,追尋老街風華。 English Introduction: Anping street which is right next to Anping Fort is the first road Dutch people constructed about three hundred years ago, also being called '' the first street in Taiwan.
安平樹屋是19世紀末所建的建築物,原本是日治時期英商德記洋行大日本鹽業株式會社的辦公室與倉庫。直到2004年樹屋被政府機關列入安平港國家風景區,經過整體規劃後在此處搭設了空中木棧道讓人們穿梭於樹屋間。光線從樹隙間打了下來,光影之間變幻無窮,因此時常有遊客來此處拍攝。旁邊還有當時英國與中國通時所成立的德記洋行以及珠玖瑩故居可以參觀。 English Introduction: It is the original warehouse for British trading company Tait & Co. The aerial rools and branches of trees wrapped around the building, combind with soil, red brick and partial concrete wall creates an unusualsight.
116 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Dating Tait & Co. Merchant House
108 Gubao St
116 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
安平樹屋是19世紀末所建的建築物,原本是日治時期英商德記洋行大日本鹽業株式會社的辦公室與倉庫。直到2004年樹屋被政府機關列入安平港國家風景區,經過整體規劃後在此處搭設了空中木棧道讓人們穿梭於樹屋間。光線從樹隙間打了下來,光影之間變幻無窮,因此時常有遊客來此處拍攝。旁邊還有當時英國與中國通時所成立的德記洋行以及珠玖瑩故居可以參觀。 English Introduction: It is the original warehouse for British trading company Tait & Co. The aerial rools and branches of trees wrapped around the building, combind with soil, red brick and partial concrete wall creates an unusualsight.
古堡建於1624年至1634年間,原為荷蘭人所建,日治時期改建後稱安平古堡,現為國家一級古蹟。 English Introduction: The oldest fort in Tauwan. It used to be called Fort Zeelandia or Taiwan City.
164 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Anping Fort station
164 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
古堡建於1624年至1634年間,原為荷蘭人所建,日治時期改建後稱安平古堡,現為國家一級古蹟。 English Introduction: The oldest fort in Tauwan. It used to be called Fort Zeelandia or Taiwan City.
為台灣最早的文廟。清領初期一度是全臺童生入學之所,因此亦稱全臺首學,今列屬國家一級古蹟。其中吸引遊客慕名以及不少文人穿梭的,是一條只有38公分寬的一道「窄門」,門縫後藏有一間懷舊的咖啡館,曾讓詩人鄭愁予提筆寫下:「咖啡香了,連駱駝都要通過窄門」,如來參觀孔廟,不訪來一探窄門究竟。 English Introduction: As it was once also called "Sian Shi Shemg Temple" (literally, it suggests that the temple pays homage to the greated teacher in the world), Tainan Confucius Temple is the first in Taiwan memorizes Confucius. In the Ming Dynasty, Yong-hua Chen, Koxinga's chief counselor, advised to build the temple. The Temple, run by the governments, was also the first and highest academy in Taiwan teaching Confucianism during the Ming and Cing dynasties. One of the most important commemorative rituals to be done during the Confucius Cultural Festival held in the Teacher's Day is celebrating Confucius' birthday. There are 38 things needed to be done before completing the ritual. The confucius Cultureal Festival.
113 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
台南孔子廟 Tainan Confucius Temple
2號 Nanmen Rd
113 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
為台灣最早的文廟。清領初期一度是全臺童生入學之所,因此亦稱全臺首學,今列屬國家一級古蹟。其中吸引遊客慕名以及不少文人穿梭的,是一條只有38公分寬的一道「窄門」,門縫後藏有一間懷舊的咖啡館,曾讓詩人鄭愁予提筆寫下:「咖啡香了,連駱駝都要通過窄門」,如來參觀孔廟,不訪來一探窄門究竟。 English Introduction: As it was once also called "Sian Shi Shemg Temple" (literally, it suggests that the temple pays homage to the greated teacher in the world), Tainan Confucius Temple is the first in Taiwan memorizes Confucius. In the Ming Dynasty, Yong-hua Chen, Koxinga's chief counselor, advised to build the temple. The Temple, run by the governments, was also the first and highest academy in Taiwan teaching Confucianism during the Ming and Cing dynasties. One of the most important commemorative rituals to be done during the Confucius Cultural Festival held in the Teacher's Day is celebrating Confucius' birthday. There are 38 things needed to be done before completing the ritual. The confucius Cultureal Festival.
為市定古蹟。過去是日治時期台南縣的知事所住的官邸。當有日本皇族來台時,偶爾也會將該建築做為「御泊所」供皇族居住。後於近年完成整修,開放參觀。整修之後,該建築一度閒置,後來在2011年正式設立音樂會館於此,2012年時又增設了餐廳。 English Introduction: The Tainan County Governor Official Residence was constructed in 1911. It was the residence for administrative officials in Tainan at the time and also the temporary residence for the Governor-General of Taiwan during the Japanese Occupation Period. The exquisite brick architecture features rare wooden blinds and door screens.
22 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
1號 Weimin St
22 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
為市定古蹟。過去是日治時期台南縣的知事所住的官邸。當有日本皇族來台時,偶爾也會將該建築做為「御泊所」供皇族居住。後於近年完成整修,開放參觀。整修之後,該建築一度閒置,後來在2011年正式設立音樂會館於此,2012年時又增設了餐廳。 English Introduction: The Tainan County Governor Official Residence was constructed in 1911. It was the residence for administrative officials in Tainan at the time and also the temporary residence for the Governor-General of Taiwan during the Japanese Occupation Period. The exquisite brick architecture features rare wooden blinds and door screens.
建於清同治年間,奉祀台灣開山始祖鄭成功及其部將,為台灣的重要古蹟。佔地9400餘坪,庭園修築風格莊嚴典雅,是台灣少見的「福州式」廟宇建築。祠中保存為數眾多的楹聯,包括沈葆禎手書,歷史文物豐富。 English Introduction: In 1661, Koxinga successfully drove out the Dutch. Following his death the next year, Tainan residents erected the temple to commemorate his spirit in fighting off the Dutch and reclaim the territory.
31 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Museo ng Koxinga
152號 Kaishan Rd
31 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
建於清同治年間,奉祀台灣開山始祖鄭成功及其部將,為台灣的重要古蹟。佔地9400餘坪,庭園修築風格莊嚴典雅,是台灣少見的「福州式」廟宇建築。祠中保存為數眾多的楹聯,包括沈葆禎手書,歷史文物豐富。 English Introduction: In 1661, Koxinga successfully drove out the Dutch. Following his death the next year, Tainan residents erected the temple to commemorate his spirit in fighting off the Dutch and reclaim the territory.
俗稱大關帝廟,因新美街114號的開基武廟稱為小關帝廟,就規模上對應而得名,為台灣早期建造的關帝廟,列為一級古績,美食旅遊評鑑「米其林指南」列為三星級景點。 English Introduction: This is the only one Martial Temple in Taiwan with sacrificial rites worshiping Guan gong, or the so-called "Great Emperor Guan Temple.
29 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Templo ng Diyos ng Digmaan
229號 Section 2, Yongfu Rd
29 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
俗稱大關帝廟,因新美街114號的開基武廟稱為小關帝廟,就規模上對應而得名,為台灣早期建造的關帝廟,列為一級古績,美食旅遊評鑑「米其林指南」列為三星級景點。 English Introduction: This is the only one Martial Temple in Taiwan with sacrificial rites worshiping Guan gong, or the so-called "Great Emperor Guan Temple.
為主祀媽祖的道教廟宇。廟宇前身為明朝朱術桂所居住的寧靖王府邸,1683年清領時期才改建為天后宮。現今廟宇的樣貌主要沿襲1821年的大整修,列為一級古蹟。內部也存有許多歷史文物,其拜殿左右兩邊的牆上分別嵌有兩塊古石埤,其中施琅將軍於康熙24年所立的「平台紀略埤」是現在台灣所保存的最早清碑。美食旅遊評鑑「米其林指南」列為三星級景點。 English Introduction: It was originally the place of Emperor Ning Jing of the Ming Dynasty, and also the first Mazu temple named as Queen of Heaven in Taiwan.
31 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Tainan Grand Mazu Temple
18 Lane 227, Section 2, Yongfu Rd
31 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
為主祀媽祖的道教廟宇。廟宇前身為明朝朱術桂所居住的寧靖王府邸,1683年清領時期才改建為天后宮。現今廟宇的樣貌主要沿襲1821年的大整修,列為一級古蹟。內部也存有許多歷史文物,其拜殿左右兩邊的牆上分別嵌有兩塊古石埤,其中施琅將軍於康熙24年所立的「平台紀略埤」是現在台灣所保存的最早清碑。美食旅遊評鑑「米其林指南」列為三星級景點。 English Introduction: It was originally the place of Emperor Ning Jing of the Ming Dynasty, and also the first Mazu temple named as Queen of Heaven in Taiwan.
前身為1653年荷治時期興建之歐式建築普羅民遮城(Provintia,亦稱省城、攝政城、紅毛樓、在地人叫「番仔樓」),曾為全島統治中心,今列為一級古蹟,美食旅遊評鑑「米其林指南」列為三星級景點。 除了歷史的建築,赤嵌樓最引人注目的就是一字排開的御龜碑,為清乾隆皇帝為了表彰福康安平定林爽文事件,特賜十塊以金門「麻糬石」雕刻而成的御碑,名為『贔屭』,傳說中善駄重物,因此常被用來做為碑的底座,也是赤嵌樓熱門的拍照定點。 English Introduction: A gorgeous fort with double eaves and Xieshan roof. It used to be called Fort Provintia.
265 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Chihkan Tower
212 Section 2, Minzu Rd
265 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
前身為1653年荷治時期興建之歐式建築普羅民遮城(Provintia,亦稱省城、攝政城、紅毛樓、在地人叫「番仔樓」),曾為全島統治中心,今列為一級古蹟,美食旅遊評鑑「米其林指南」列為三星級景點。 除了歷史的建築,赤嵌樓最引人注目的就是一字排開的御龜碑,為清乾隆皇帝為了表彰福康安平定林爽文事件,特賜十塊以金門「麻糬石」雕刻而成的御碑,名為『贔屭』,傳說中善駄重物,因此常被用來做為碑的底座,也是赤嵌樓熱門的拍照定點。 English Introduction: A gorgeous fort with double eaves and Xieshan roof. It used to be called Fort Provintia.

Arts & Culture

位於五條港文化園區內,結合景觀、繪畫以及攝影等裝置藝術與塗鴉文化。2004年起,為重現榮景,已歷經五階段的藝術造街階段,將街道與五條港文化、前衛藝術以及文化創意巧妙融合進戶外裝置藝術。而兩側的店家相繼營業開店,露天咖啡座、飲料店、PUB和飲食小吃,將街道串連成迷人的夜明珠。 English Introduction: The Haian Rd. Art Street is situated within the Old Five Channels Cultural Zone. A group of artists transformed the street using art and injected new vitality into the area. Art is seen everywhere on the street, in the form landscape, painting and photography, permeating the locale with rich artistic ambiance. Many photography enthusiasts and visitors come here to appreciate art and take pictures.
78 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
78 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
位於五條港文化園區內,結合景觀、繪畫以及攝影等裝置藝術與塗鴉文化。2004年起,為重現榮景,已歷經五階段的藝術造街階段,將街道與五條港文化、前衛藝術以及文化創意巧妙融合進戶外裝置藝術。而兩側的店家相繼營業開店,露天咖啡座、飲料店、PUB和飲食小吃,將街道串連成迷人的夜明珠。 English Introduction: The Haian Rd. Art Street is situated within the Old Five Channels Cultural Zone. A group of artists transformed the street using art and injected new vitality into the area. Art is seen everywhere on the street, in the form landscape, painting and photography, permeating the locale with rich artistic ambiance. Many photography enthusiasts and visitors come here to appreciate art and take pictures.
神農街原名北勢街,後因街底主祀神農氏之藥王廟為名,改為神農街,保留了清代及日治時間的外觀及結構,也是目前台南市保存最完整的老街。如今有許多藝術工作、小吃、咖啡廳以及夜晚的PUB,使白天和夜晚都有不同的迷人風貌。 English Introduction: Shennong Old Street used to be called Beishi Street. It is part of the Old Five Channels Cultural Zone.
217 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Kalye ng Shennong
58-1號 Shennong St
217 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
神農街原名北勢街,後因街底主祀神農氏之藥王廟為名,改為神農街,保留了清代及日治時間的外觀及結構,也是目前台南市保存最完整的老街。如今有許多藝術工作、小吃、咖啡廳以及夜晚的PUB,使白天和夜晚都有不同的迷人風貌。 English Introduction: Shennong Old Street used to be called Beishi Street. It is part of the Old Five Channels Cultural Zone.