Guidebook for Hong Kong

Guidebook for Hong Kong

Food Scene

98 Pak Po St
8號 Hau Fook Street
最近除了有「築地」和「豊洲水產」登陸灣仔,還有東京大熱的「 爆丼 」到著,每碗丼的材料滿到瀉,幾乎不見白飯:牛肉爆丼高如座山、甜蝦丼的蝦每隻長如「食指」,三色海膽丼更是大眾最愛,無論賣相和份量都無得輸,即跟Hello Pinkey去試食啦!
57 Shantung St
最近除了有「築地」和「豊洲水產」登陸灣仔,還有東京大熱的「 爆丼 」到著,每碗丼的材料滿到瀉,幾乎不見白飯:牛肉爆丼高如座山、甜蝦丼的蝦每隻長如「食指」,三色海膽丼更是大眾最愛,無論賣相和份量都無得輸,即跟Hello Pinkey去試食啦!
來自西班牙的frozen yogurt 連鎖店,招牌為自選七彩芭菲。 Frozen yogurt chain store form Spain, most popular choice is Sanum, with 3 choices of fruits, 2 crunches and a sauce.
7-9 Fa Yuen St
來自西班牙的frozen yogurt 連鎖店,招牌為自選七彩芭菲。 Frozen yogurt chain store form Spain, most popular choice is Sanum, with 3 choices of fruits, 2 crunches and a sauce.
Tam Jai Yunnan Noodles
50號 豉油街
Hui Lau Shan
102 Soy St
喵~喵~喵~ 香港近年愈嚟愈多喵喵餐廳,可以同喵星人一齊喺餐廳食飯不是夢,簡直就係一眾愛貓之人嘅福音!去到呢啲喵喵餐廳,喵喵已經成為咗主角,美食已經被放埋一邊,同喵喵玩都玩到飽嚕,不過循例都係要介紹下嘅(好似係)。
Nathan Road
喵~喵~喵~ 香港近年愈嚟愈多喵喵餐廳,可以同喵星人一齊喺餐廳食飯不是夢,簡直就係一眾愛貓之人嘅福音!去到呢啲喵喵餐廳,喵喵已經成為咗主角,美食已經被放埋一邊,同喵喵玩都玩到飽嚕,不過循例都係要介紹下嘅(好似係)。
27 Soy St
27 Soy Street
A very popular Taiwan light food restaurant. The uncommon toastbox ice-cream dish attracts eaters who love taking photos of food. 深受年輕人歡迎的台灣輕食店,提供台式美食,其中賣相精美、香港少見的「雪糕吐司盒」吸引不少客人拍照打卡。
TeaWood Taiwanese Cafe & Restaurant
628 Nathan Rd
A very popular Taiwan light food restaurant. The uncommon toastbox ice-cream dish attracts eaters who love taking photos of food. 深受年輕人歡迎的台灣輕食店,提供台式美食,其中賣相精美、香港少見的「雪糕吐司盒」吸引不少客人拍照打卡。
孖啡Double Cafe 兩位愛cafe之人開設的咖啡店,孖啡Double Cafe因此而起。餐廳位處人流旺區,佔地3000呎,裝潢夠潮,偌大的場地設計富空間感,沙發座位寬敞,玻璃窗和牆上均貼有獨特的剪影裝飾,玩味十足。不論情侶甜蜜相聚、三五知己約食飯傾計,甚至包場舉辦私人派對或公司聯誼亦可,是一個難能可貴、忙中忘憂的樓上空間。 主打西式風格的Double Cafe,營造寬敞舒服的環境之時,為食客提供多種好味道選擇。其招牌美食有黑松露野菌忌廉意大利飯、黑椒燒牛肉牛角包、凱撤沙律和心太軟拼雪糕等。另有數十款飲品任揀,當中有以塔羅牌命名的塔羅特飲和特別調配的孖啡House Coffee等,感覺與別不同。店內附設多個玩樂遊戲,可揀選心水的Cardgames和Boardgames,與朋友來個happy game time。
Double Cafe
577號 Nathan Road
孖啡Double Cafe 兩位愛cafe之人開設的咖啡店,孖啡Double Cafe因此而起。餐廳位處人流旺區,佔地3000呎,裝潢夠潮,偌大的場地設計富空間感,沙發座位寬敞,玻璃窗和牆上均貼有獨特的剪影裝飾,玩味十足。不論情侶甜蜜相聚、三五知己約食飯傾計,甚至包場舉辦私人派對或公司聯誼亦可,是一個難能可貴、忙中忘憂的樓上空間。 主打西式風格的Double Cafe,營造寬敞舒服的環境之時,為食客提供多種好味道選擇。其招牌美食有黑松露野菌忌廉意大利飯、黑椒燒牛肉牛角包、凱撤沙律和心太軟拼雪糕等。另有數十款飲品任揀,當中有以塔羅牌命名的塔羅特飲和特別調配的孖啡House Coffee等,感覺與別不同。店內附設多個玩樂遊戲,可揀選心水的Cardgames和Boardgames,與朋友來個happy game time。
小房子 The Hut
Tai Nan Street
韓國第一烤雞品牌 【百分百食用安全注意】Goobne Chicken 選用百分百安全食材,來源地及格,為顧客提供健康美味烤雞,可安心食用。 在韓國擁有超過 1,000 間分店,韓國第一烤雞品牌Goobne Chicken陸續登陸旺角、荃灣、馬灣,繼續以多款不同口味的韓式焗爐烤雞令顧客大排長龍。烤雞不經油炸,外層香脆,肉質嫩滑充滿肉汁,而雞的油份從烤焗過程中迫出來,有效做到低熱量、低膽固醇、低鈉、無反式脂肪,極力推行健康雞肉新食法,連全新韓國星級代言人EXO 八子亦大讚「馬斯打」好好味! 餐桌特別配置3D投射效果 旺角店以木色及白色為主調,寬敞舒適,可同時容納150名顧客。窗外270度俯瞰旺角繁華鬧市街景,相約好友一起品嚐美味烤雞,享受相聚的時光。店內唯一一張純白色的桌子,為了營造3D投射效果而特別配置,顧客等食時可享受充滿樂趣的一刻,炒熱氣氛,更輕鬆熱鬧!
Goobne Chicken
628 Nathan Road
韓國第一烤雞品牌 【百分百食用安全注意】Goobne Chicken 選用百分百安全食材,來源地及格,為顧客提供健康美味烤雞,可安心食用。 在韓國擁有超過 1,000 間分店,韓國第一烤雞品牌Goobne Chicken陸續登陸旺角、荃灣、馬灣,繼續以多款不同口味的韓式焗爐烤雞令顧客大排長龍。烤雞不經油炸,外層香脆,肉質嫩滑充滿肉汁,而雞的油份從烤焗過程中迫出來,有效做到低熱量、低膽固醇、低鈉、無反式脂肪,極力推行健康雞肉新食法,連全新韓國星級代言人EXO 八子亦大讚「馬斯打」好好味! 餐桌特別配置3D投射效果 旺角店以木色及白色為主調,寬敞舒適,可同時容納150名顧客。窗外270度俯瞰旺角繁華鬧市街景,相約好友一起品嚐美味烤雞,享受相聚的時光。店內唯一一張純白色的桌子,為了營造3D投射效果而特別配置,顧客等食時可享受充滿樂趣的一刻,炒熱氣氛,更輕鬆熱鬧!
655號 Nelson St
開飯介紹 Passion by Gerard Dubois分店,除了貫徹一站式出爐麵包及蛋糕,此店更獨家推出gelato及素食意粉。 特色 飲o野傾計
14 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Passion By Gerard Dubois
8 Argyle St
14 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
開飯介紹 Passion by Gerard Dubois分店,除了貫徹一站式出爐麵包及蛋糕,此店更獨家推出gelato及素食意粉。 特色 飲o野傾計
香港滿記甜品集團自一九九五年於香港西貢區設立第一間 『滿記甜品』以後,由早期一間家庭式糖水店發展成現今的連鎖式甜品店,深受本地顧客尤其香港年青新一代的愛戴,更獲國內及外地旅客的推崇及讚賞。『滿記甜品』已成為一個『甜品品牌』。
Honeymoon Dessert
8 Argyle St
香港滿記甜品集團自一九九五年於香港西貢區設立第一間 『滿記甜品』以後,由早期一間家庭式糖水店發展成現今的連鎖式甜品店,深受本地顧客尤其香港年青新一代的愛戴,更獲國內及外地旅客的推崇及讚賞。『滿記甜品』已成為一個『甜品品牌』。
8 Argyle St
Paradise Dynasty
625 & 639 Nathan Rd

Getting Around

Mong Kok Station E1 Exit, Mong Kok, Hong Kong
23 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Mong Kok station
23 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Mong Kok Station E1 Exit, Mong Kok, Hong Kong


With over 100 stalls of bargain clothing, accessories and souvenirs, the Ladies’ Market on Tung Choi Street provides a one-kilometre stretch on which to practise your haggling skills. It gets its name from the huge amount of clothing and accessories on sale for women of all ages; however, with watches, cosmetics, bags, home furnishings, CDs and trinkets also up for grabs, you don’t need to be just in the market for a pair of nylon stockings to find something within its crowded aisles. 如果您以為女人街只有女人才會逛,那就錯了。女人街之所以得名,是因為早期這裡的地攤多販售女性服裝及用品。可是,現在這個長一公里、匯集逾百個地攤的露天市集,除了女裝,您還可以找到男裝、皮包、首飾、玩具、化妝品,以至家居用品等,款式多樣,價格便宜,是一眾精明消費族選購廉價服飾與紀念品的熱門地。
Kaneekawa Japanese Restaurant
With over 100 stalls of bargain clothing, accessories and souvenirs, the Ladies’ Market on Tung Choi Street provides a one-kilometre stretch on which to practise your haggling skills. It gets its name from the huge amount of clothing and accessories on sale for women of all ages; however, with watches, cosmetics, bags, home furnishings, CDs and trinkets also up for grabs, you don’t need to be just in the market for a pair of nylon stockings to find something within its crowded aisles. 如果您以為女人街只有女人才會逛,那就錯了。女人街之所以得名,是因為早期這裡的地攤多販售女性服裝及用品。可是,現在這個長一公里、匯集逾百個地攤的露天市集,除了女裝,您還可以找到男裝、皮包、首飾、玩具、化妝品,以至家居用品等,款式多樣,價格便宜,是一眾精明消費族選購廉價服飾與紀念品的熱門地。
香港人稱旺角登打士街至亞皆老街之間的花園街為「波鞋街」*(球鞋街),自1980年代起,多家售賣運動鞋為主的商店開始在這裡開業,逐漸形成目前運動商店一條街的規模,就連外國的足球隊或者美國的籃球明星來港比賽時,也會到這裡來舉行活動。在球鞋街,除了各式各樣最新款、限量版的運動鞋,您還可以找到休閒鞋、皮鞋、遠足鞋、滑板鞋,以及其他運動用品。 *波鞋是廣東話,「波」的廣東話發音與「Ball」相近,波鞋就是球鞋的意思。
10 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Fa Yuen Street station
10 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
香港人稱旺角登打士街至亞皆老街之間的花園街為「波鞋街」*(球鞋街),自1980年代起,多家售賣運動鞋為主的商店開始在這裡開業,逐漸形成目前運動商店一條街的規模,就連外國的足球隊或者美國的籃球明星來港比賽時,也會到這裡來舉行活動。在球鞋街,除了各式各樣最新款、限量版的運動鞋,您還可以找到休閒鞋、皮鞋、遠足鞋、滑板鞋,以及其他運動用品。 *波鞋是廣東話,「波」的廣東話發音與「Ball」相近,波鞋就是球鞋的意思。
When the sun goes down, the traders have already laid out their wares and the opera singers and fortune tellers begin to emerge. Welcome to the Temple Street Night Market, a popular street bazaar, named after a Tin Hau temple located in the centre of its main drag, and a place so steeped in local atmosphere that it has served as the backdrop to many a memorable movie. Trinkets, tea ware, electronics, watches, menswear, jade and antiques are scrutinised and haggled over, while claypot rice, seafood, noodles and othe 每天黃昏時,數百個地攤開始在馬路上準備做生意;入夜後,點上燈的地攤,把整條街照得通明,遊人顧客紛至沓來,令原來的安靜小街,一下子變得人聲鼎沸。逛廟街,您可以從天后廟旁邊的「街市街」開始,這裡有志趣相投的粵曲迷聚集作即興演出;又有歌手獻唱著名粵劇折子戲、廣東流行曲,甚至西方流行曲;還有一些相士和職業棋手的地攤,道地色彩濃厚,所以廟街又被稱為「平民夜總會」。
209 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Temple Street Night Market
Temple Street
209 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
When the sun goes down, the traders have already laid out their wares and the opera singers and fortune tellers begin to emerge. Welcome to the Temple Street Night Market, a popular street bazaar, named after a Tin Hau temple located in the centre of its main drag, and a place so steeped in local atmosphere that it has served as the backdrop to many a memorable movie. Trinkets, tea ware, electronics, watches, menswear, jade and antiques are scrutinised and haggled over, while claypot rice, seafood, noodles and othe 每天黃昏時,數百個地攤開始在馬路上準備做生意;入夜後,點上燈的地攤,把整條街照得通明,遊人顧客紛至沓來,令原來的安靜小街,一下子變得人聲鼎沸。逛廟街,您可以從天后廟旁邊的「街市街」開始,這裡有志趣相投的粵曲迷聚集作即興演出;又有歌手獻唱著名粵劇折子戲、廣東流行曲,甚至西方流行曲;還有一些相士和職業棋手的地攤,道地色彩濃厚,所以廟街又被稱為「平民夜總會」。
With over 100 stalls of bargain clothing, accessories and souvenirs, the Ladies’ Market on Tung Choi Street provides a one-kilometre stretch on which to practise your haggling skills. It gets its name from the huge amount of clothing and accessories on sale for women of all ages; however, with watches, cosmetics, bags, home furnishings, CDs and trinkets also up for grabs, you don’t need to be just in the market for a pair of nylon stockings to find something within its crowded aisles.
59 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Palengke ng mga Babae
Tung Choi Street
59 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
With over 100 stalls of bargain clothing, accessories and souvenirs, the Ladies’ Market on Tung Choi Street provides a one-kilometre stretch on which to practise your haggling skills. It gets its name from the huge amount of clothing and accessories on sale for women of all ages; however, with watches, cosmetics, bags, home furnishings, CDs and trinkets also up for grabs, you don’t need to be just in the market for a pair of nylon stockings to find something within its crowded aisles.
When the sun goes down, the traders have already laid out their wares and the opera singers and fortune tellers begin to emerge. Welcome to the Temple Street Night Market, a popular street bazaar, named after a Tin Hau temple located in the centre of its main drag, and a place so steeped in local atmosphere that it has served as the backdrop to many a memorable movie. Trinkets, tea ware, electronics, watches, menswear, jade and antiques are scrutinised and haggled over, while claypot rice, seafood, noodles and other treats are consumed with gusto. Temple Street Night Market is an enduring example of the theatre and festivity of a Chinese market. And it’s on show nightly.
17 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Temple St
Temple Street
17 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
When the sun goes down, the traders have already laid out their wares and the opera singers and fortune tellers begin to emerge. Welcome to the Temple Street Night Market, a popular street bazaar, named after a Tin Hau temple located in the centre of its main drag, and a place so steeped in local atmosphere that it has served as the backdrop to many a memorable movie. Trinkets, tea ware, electronics, watches, menswear, jade and antiques are scrutinised and haggled over, while claypot rice, seafood, noodles and other treats are consumed with gusto. Temple Street Night Market is an enduring example of the theatre and festivity of a Chinese market. And it’s on show nightly.
許多香港人喜歡在家裡或辦公室放一缸金魚,美化室內環境,還可以取個好兆頭。金魚長相富貴、色彩奪目,自然成為了香港人的最愛。逛金魚街,不用走進一家又一家店,一路上就能看到不同種類的魚。這裡的店鋪,會預先把一條條魚兒放在充了氧氣的小塑膠袋裡,並在袋上寫上價錢,然後再一排排的掛在店前鐵架上讓顧客選購。一些熱帶魚、昂貴的觀賞魚,或者是養魚的器材或魚缸都可以在店鋪裡面找到;整條金魚街就好像一個鬧市之中的「水族館」一樣。近年, 金魚街除了水族店,也開設了不少寵物店,比較特別的有售賣昆蟲及爬蟲類的店鋪。
許多香港人喜歡在家裡或辦公室放一缸金魚,美化室內環境,還可以取個好兆頭。金魚長相富貴、色彩奪目,自然成為了香港人的最愛。逛金魚街,不用走進一家又一家店,一路上就能看到不同種類的魚。這裡的店鋪,會預先把一條條魚兒放在充了氧氣的小塑膠袋裡,並在袋上寫上價錢,然後再一排排的掛在店前鐵架上讓顧客選購。一些熱帶魚、昂貴的觀賞魚,或者是養魚的器材或魚缸都可以在店鋪裡面找到;整條金魚街就好像一個鬧市之中的「水族館」一樣。近年, 金魚街除了水族店,也開設了不少寵物店,比較特別的有售賣昆蟲及爬蟲類的店鋪。


The biggest mall in Mong Kok and a Hong Kong shopping hot spot, Langham Place draws in the punters with its more than 200 shops, most of which tend towards youth fashion. But the mall itself is interesting too. Its Digital Sky and live performances aim to keep shoppers amused, while the building’s unusual corkscrew design allows you to ascend or descend its floors without using an escalator. But if you want to jump ahead of the crowds a bit, there is an 83m escalator that will take you up quite a distance. 旺角是年輕人消費閒逛的集中地,區內最大的商場朗豪坊,自然也就成為潮流熱點。這裡樓高15層,有近200家商戶,包括年輕人喜愛的品牌如西武百貨、無印良品、i.t.、亞洲首家Monki,以及一些潮流小店等。 來到朗豪坊,您可以先搭乘兩組總長度達83公尺的室內電動扶梯「通天梯」,徐徐前往通天廣場頂層,鳥瞰遊人如織的商場,仰望數位天幕上的浮雲,這可是個難得而有趣的體驗喔!然後,您可
44 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Langham Place
44 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
The biggest mall in Mong Kok and a Hong Kong shopping hot spot, Langham Place draws in the punters with its more than 200 shops, most of which tend towards youth fashion. But the mall itself is interesting too. Its Digital Sky and live performances aim to keep shoppers amused, while the building’s unusual corkscrew design allows you to ascend or descend its floors without using an escalator. But if you want to jump ahead of the crowds a bit, there is an 83m escalator that will take you up quite a distance. 旺角是年輕人消費閒逛的集中地,區內最大的商場朗豪坊,自然也就成為潮流熱點。這裡樓高15層,有近200家商戶,包括年輕人喜愛的品牌如西武百貨、無印良品、i.t.、亞洲首家Monki,以及一些潮流小店等。 來到朗豪坊,您可以先搭乘兩組總長度達83公尺的室內電動扶梯「通天梯」,徐徐前往通天廣場頂層,鳥瞰遊人如織的商場,仰望數位天幕上的浮雲,這可是個難得而有趣的體驗喔!然後,您可