


Polar Cafe西門旗艦店就在西門捷運6號出口、新世界大樓的9樓,也就是真善美戲院樓上而超大的落地窗讓咖啡廳白天採光明亮,充滿舒適悠閒的氛圍。 The Polar Cafe Ximen flagship store is located at Exit 6 of Ximen MRT and the 9th floor of the New World Tower. It is the upstairs floor of the Zhenshan Theatre and the oversized floor-to-ceiling windows allow the cafe to be brightly lit during the day, full of comfort and leisure.
自1975年開始營業的阿宗麵線,今年已邁入堂堂第31個年頭位在西門町的阿宗麵線總店,是只要到過這兒的人絕不會錯過的一個景點,看著阿宗麵線總店門前那門庭若市的盛況,滑潤的麵線,配上香香QQ的大腸及柴魚、筍絲等材料,熬製而成的阿宗麵線,吃的時候,再添上香菜或九層塔,淋上一點阿宗調製的辣醬,如此地老少咸宜、眾人疼愛 Ay-Chung Flour-Rice Noodle (阿宗麵線) in Taipei’s Ximending neighborhood is hard to miss. You can always tell which places are popular by the number of people waiting outside. Just look for the long line and crowds of people standing around in the street with bowls of flour rice noodles.
244 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Ay-Chung Flour-Rice Noodle
8-1號 Emei St
244 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
自1975年開始營業的阿宗麵線,今年已邁入堂堂第31個年頭位在西門町的阿宗麵線總店,是只要到過這兒的人絕不會錯過的一個景點,看著阿宗麵線總店門前那門庭若市的盛況,滑潤的麵線,配上香香QQ的大腸及柴魚、筍絲等材料,熬製而成的阿宗麵線,吃的時候,再添上香菜或九層塔,淋上一點阿宗調製的辣醬,如此地老少咸宜、眾人疼愛 Ay-Chung Flour-Rice Noodle (阿宗麵線) in Taipei’s Ximending neighborhood is hard to miss. You can always tell which places are popular by the number of people waiting outside. Just look for the long line and crowds of people standing around in the street with bowls of flour rice noodles.

創始店1949年別無分店,滷味糕餅 完全自製自銷,14種中藥香料及特製醬汁更加 美味可口,另有數十種純手工養生糕餅點心 “老天祿” The founding store had no branches in 1949, and the lo mei cakes were completely homemade and self-selling. The 14 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine spices and special sauces were more delicious, and there were dozens of pure hand-made health cake desserts.
75 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Lao Tian Lu
55號 Section 2, Wuchang St
75 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
創始店1949年別無分店,滷味糕餅 完全自製自銷,14種中藥香料及特製醬汁更加 美味可口,另有數十種純手工養生糕餅點心 “老天祿” The founding store had no branches in 1949, and the lo mei cakes were completely homemade and self-selling. The 14 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine spices and special sauces were more delicious, and there were dozens of pure hand-made health cake desserts.
想找個擁有較華麗時尚氛圍的酒吧? 也或許想整晚都聽電子音樂 這裡的特調及一口酒價位平實,大約在200元左右。比較受歡迎的飲品包括;招牌水果特調酒(300元),光聽名字就很誘人吧!這杯充滿異國風情的調酒口感極佳,價格雖偏高卻相當值得。浮誇的裝潢及美觀的座位區總是讓在午夜時分還是能夠吸引許多人潮。 Looking for a bar with a more gorgeous fashion atmosphere? Maybe I want to listen to electronic music all night. The special tone and the price of a bite of wine here are about $200. The more popular drinks include; signature fruit special wine (300 yuan), the name is very attractive! This cup of exotic bartender tastes great, but the price is high but it is worth it. The flamboyant decor and beautiful seating area always make it attractive to many people at midnight.
11 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Ximen Red House Outdoor Bar Area
56-7 Lane 10, Chengdu Rd
11 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
想找個擁有較華麗時尚氛圍的酒吧? 也或許想整晚都聽電子音樂 這裡的特調及一口酒價位平實,大約在200元左右。比較受歡迎的飲品包括;招牌水果特調酒(300元),光聽名字就很誘人吧!這杯充滿異國風情的調酒口感極佳,價格雖偏高卻相當值得。浮誇的裝潢及美觀的座位區總是讓在午夜時分還是能夠吸引許多人潮。 Looking for a bar with a more gorgeous fashion atmosphere? Maybe I want to listen to electronic music all night. The special tone and the price of a bite of wine here are about $200. The more popular drinks include; signature fruit special wine (300 yuan), the name is very attractive! This cup of exotic bartender tastes great, but the price is high but it is worth it. The flamboyant decor and beautiful seating area always make it attractive to many people at midnight.
2004年在台灣最轟動的新型態主題餐廳〝MARTON主題美館〞誕生了。整間店採顛倒錯置、獨樹一格的幽默設計以一臺霜淇淋機加上我們的創意發想,櫅上showimg一坨極像便便的巧克力霜淇淋在蹲式馬桶上,逗趣可愛的模樣深受大家的喜愛。 In 2004, the most sensational theme restaurant in Taiwan, the MARTON theme beauty museum, was born. The whole store has a reminiscent and unique style of humor design with a frosting machine and our creative thoughts. It is a showimg with a creamy chocolate cream on the squat toilet. The cute look is very popular with everyone.
Modern Toilet Restaurant
7號 Lane 50, Xining S Rd
2004年在台灣最轟動的新型態主題餐廳〝MARTON主題美館〞誕生了。整間店採顛倒錯置、獨樹一格的幽默設計以一臺霜淇淋機加上我們的創意發想,櫅上showimg一坨極像便便的巧克力霜淇淋在蹲式馬桶上,逗趣可愛的模樣深受大家的喜愛。 In 2004, the most sensational theme restaurant in Taiwan, the MARTON theme beauty museum, was born. The whole store has a reminiscent and unique style of humor design with a frosting machine and our creative thoughts. It is a showimg with a creamy chocolate cream on the squat toilet. The cute look is very popular with everyone.
位於西門町漢中街的老字號的冰店幸春三兄妹冰店,用鮮果、雪花冰❤都是客人來必點的盛夏冰品 Located in the Hanzhong Street of Ximending Street, the old shop of the ice shop, Xingchun Sanxiongmei Ice Shop, is a must-have summer ice product with fresh fruit and snowflake hail.
6 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
23號 Lane 114, Section 1, Zhonghua Rd
6 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
位於西門町漢中街的老字號的冰店幸春三兄妹冰店,用鮮果、雪花冰❤都是客人來必點的盛夏冰品 Located in the Hanzhong Street of Ximending Street, the old shop of the ice shop, Xingchun Sanxiongmei Ice Shop, is a must-have summer ice product with fresh fruit and snowflake hail.
美味傳承36年的繼光香香雞,肉品採用大成、人蜂等電宰廠,每日新鮮配送,經由中央廠房無塵室專業調理人員,再加上獨特嚴選進口頂級印尼花椒及健康美味為訴求的白芝麻等數十種獨門秘方用以黃金完美比例醃製而成;以天天更換新油,技術控溫、生肉一次炸到熟,不二次回鍋,使炸雞呈現外皮酥脆、肉軟多汁!好吃不油膩! The delicious inheritance of the 36-year-long Jixiangxiang chicken, meat products using Dacheng, human bee and other electric slaughter plants, daily fresh delivery, through the central factory clean room professional conditioning staff, coupled with the unique selection of imported top Indonesian pepper and health The dozens of secret recipes such as white sesame, which is delicious, are marinated in a perfect ratio of gold; the new oil is replaced every day, the temperature is controlled by technology, and the raw meat is fried to cooked once, and the pork is not crisped twice, so that the fried chicken is crispy. The meat is soft and juicy! Delicious and not greasy!
9 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
121之1號 Hanzhong St
9 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
美味傳承36年的繼光香香雞,肉品採用大成、人蜂等電宰廠,每日新鮮配送,經由中央廠房無塵室專業調理人員,再加上獨特嚴選進口頂級印尼花椒及健康美味為訴求的白芝麻等數十種獨門秘方用以黃金完美比例醃製而成;以天天更換新油,技術控溫、生肉一次炸到熟,不二次回鍋,使炸雞呈現外皮酥脆、肉軟多汁!好吃不油膩! The delicious inheritance of the 36-year-long Jixiangxiang chicken, meat products using Dacheng, human bee and other electric slaughter plants, daily fresh delivery, through the central factory clean room professional conditioning staff, coupled with the unique selection of imported top Indonesian pepper and health The dozens of secret recipes such as white sesame, which is delicious, are marinated in a perfect ratio of gold; the new oil is replaced every day, the temperature is controlled by technology, and the raw meat is fried to cooked once, and the pork is not crisped twice, so that the fried chicken is crispy. The meat is soft and juicy! Delicious and not greasy!
迄今二十五年,老一輩的故事,對人客不變的堅持,金峰味美,緣起一九八五年。 Twenty-five years ago, the story of the older generation, the insistence on the constant of the people, the golden peak and delicious, originated in 1985.
12 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
西門金鋒魯肉飯 西門總店
89號 Kunming St
12 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
迄今二十五年,老一輩的故事,對人客不變的堅持,金峰味美,緣起一九八五年。 Twenty-five years ago, the story of the older generation, the insistence on the constant of the people, the golden peak and delicious, originated in 1985.
●2014年,家樂福在台灣有70間分店,是台灣規模最大的量販店。家樂福桂林店24小時營業,全年無休,是西門町商圈內唯一的大型量販店,並有超過40000種商品及美食街提供顧客多元且便利的購物空間。 Carrefour have 70 branches in Taiwan in 2014, it is also the biggest hypermarket in Taiwan. Carrefour Kwei-Lin store opens 24 hours a day ,7 days a week. It is the only hypermarket at Xi-Men shopping area . And we offer multicultural choices and provides easy shopping experience including more than 40,000 kinds of products and food court .
176 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Tindahan ng Carrefour - Guilin
1 Guilin Rd
176 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
●2014年,家樂福在台灣有70間分店,是台灣規模最大的量販店。家樂福桂林店24小時營業,全年無休,是西門町商圈內唯一的大型量販店,並有超過40000種商品及美食街提供顧客多元且便利的購物空間。 Carrefour have 70 branches in Taiwan in 2014, it is also the biggest hypermarket in Taiwan. Carrefour Kwei-Lin store opens 24 hours a day ,7 days a week. It is the only hypermarket at Xi-Men shopping area . And we offer multicultural choices and provides easy shopping experience including more than 40,000 kinds of products and food court .
推薦:天使紅蝦、松阪豬、鮑魚、牛五花、和牛、手打鮮蝦滑、嫩豆包....等 營業時間:1130~0200 這間是新開的,座位很多寬敞不需要預約直接去現場就有位子 台北吃到飽麻辣鴛鴦鍋第一選擇!以中國風裝潢打造浪漫優雅用餐空間,用頂級肉品、食材提昇極致吃到飽用餐體驗 Recommended: Angel Red Shrimp, Matsusaka Pig, Abalone, Niu Wuhua, He Niu, Hand Shrimp Slip, Fresh Bean Bag....etc. Business hours: 1130~0200 This room is newly opened, the seats are a lot of spacious and there is no need to make an appointment to go directly to the site. Taipei has the first choice to eat a spicy shabu-shabu! Create a romantic and elegant dining space with Chinese style decoration, and use the top meat and ingredients to enhance the ultimate dining experience.
72號3樓 Section 2, Wuchang St
推薦:天使紅蝦、松阪豬、鮑魚、牛五花、和牛、手打鮮蝦滑、嫩豆包....等 營業時間:1130~0200 這間是新開的,座位很多寬敞不需要預約直接去現場就有位子 台北吃到飽麻辣鴛鴦鍋第一選擇!以中國風裝潢打造浪漫優雅用餐空間,用頂級肉品、食材提昇極致吃到飽用餐體驗 Recommended: Angel Red Shrimp, Matsusaka Pig, Abalone, Niu Wuhua, He Niu, Hand Shrimp Slip, Fresh Bean Bag....etc. Business hours: 1130~0200 This room is newly opened, the seats are a lot of spacious and there is no need to make an appointment to go directly to the site. Taipei has the first choice to eat a spicy shabu-shabu! Create a romantic and elegant dining space with Chinese style decoration, and use the top meat and ingredients to enhance the ultimate dining experience.
萬華西門町最有名的魯肉飯,,還有這間位於漢中街行人徒步區的天天利美食坊,而天天利則是偏瘦絞肉魯肉飯配半熟荷包蛋 The most famous Lu meat rice in Wanhua Ximending, and the Tianli Li Food Square in the pedestrian walking area of Hanzhong Street, while Tianli is a thin-skinned minced meat with a half-boiled poached egg.
27 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Tiantianli Restaurant
1號 漢中街32巷
27 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
萬華西門町最有名的魯肉飯,,還有這間位於漢中街行人徒步區的天天利美食坊,而天天利則是偏瘦絞肉魯肉飯配半熟荷包蛋 The most famous Lu meat rice in Wanhua Ximending, and the Tianli Li Food Square in the pedestrian walking area of Hanzhong Street, while Tianli is a thin-skinned minced meat with a half-boiled poached egg.
胡天蘭、米其林必比登美食!香醇湯頭的精緻超牛(捷運西門站) 說到西門町的牛肉麵,不可不知的便是這間精緻的排隊名店 Hu Tianlan, Michelin will be Biden food! The exquisite super cow of the fragrant soup head (Jimen Ximen Station) When it comes to the beef noodle in Ximending, it is this exquisite line-up shop.
40 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Niou Dien Beef Noodles
91號 Kunming St
40 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
胡天蘭、米其林必比登美食!香醇湯頭的精緻超牛(捷運西門站) 說到西門町的牛肉麵,不可不知的便是這間精緻的排隊名店 Hu Tianlan, Michelin will be Biden food! The exquisite super cow of the fragrant soup head (Jimen Ximen Station) When it comes to the beef noodle in Ximending, it is this exquisite line-up shop.
而在這片璀璨燈海的輝映下用餐,. 加上富情調的峇里島風格裝潢,與多彩燈光的搭配,. 絕佳的氣氛讓The Top 屋頂上成為人氣居高不下的景觀餐廳 假日不能訂位 Dine in the glow of this sea of lights, plus the richly decorated Bali style decoration, with the colorful lighting, the excellent atmosphere makes the Top roof a popular restaurant with a high ceiling. Holiday cannot be booked
58 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
The Top
33 Alley 4, Lane 61, Kaixuan Rd
58 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
而在這片璀璨燈海的輝映下用餐,. 加上富情調的峇里島風格裝潢,與多彩燈光的搭配,. 絕佳的氣氛讓The Top 屋頂上成為人氣居高不下的景觀餐廳 假日不能訂位 Dine in the glow of this sea of lights, plus the richly decorated Bali style decoration, with the colorful lighting, the excellent atmosphere makes the Top roof a popular restaurant with a high ceiling. Holiday cannot be booked
不僅為台灣夜市代表、美食天堂,更是世界知名旅人必訪的士林夜市,集結各式美食讓人眼花撩亂,好逛、好玩又好吃 It is not only a representative of Taiwan's night market, a gourmet paradise, but also a Shilin night market that must be visited by world-famous travelers. It is dazzling to gather all kinds of food, so it is good to go shopping, fun and delicious.
439 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Palengke ng Gabi ng Shi Lin
101 Jihe Rd
439 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
不僅為台灣夜市代表、美食天堂,更是世界知名旅人必訪的士林夜市,集結各式美食讓人眼花撩亂,好逛、好玩又好吃 It is not only a representative of Taiwan's night market, a gourmet paradise, but also a Shilin night market that must be visited by world-famous travelers. It is dazzling to gather all kinds of food, so it is good to go shopping, fun and delicious.
陽明山真的是踏青郊遊的好去處,不只可以看到如小油坑、大磺嘴等特殊的火山地質,由於海拔與緯度的關係,四季皆可欣賞不同種類的花。另外,陽明山的夜景也是情侶們約會的熱門景點。 1. 2 – 3月的櫻花季 2. 3 – 4月的竹子湖海芋季 3. 5月中旬的繡球花季 4. 10月 – 隔年1月的賞楓季 ▶︎ 地址:台北市北投區竹子湖路1-20號(座標:25.155795, 121.548128) ▶︎ 交通:至捷運石牌站(紅線)搭乘小8或至捷運劍潭站(紅線)搭乘小5 1. 2 - March cherry blossom season 2. 3 – April Bamboo Lake Season 3. Hydrangea season in mid-May 4. October – the maple season in January of the following year ▶︎ Address: No. 1-20, Zhuzihu Road, Beitou District, Taipei (Coordinate: 25.155795, 121.548128) ▶︎ Transportation: Take the MRT Ship Station (red line) and take the small 8 or the MRT Jiantan Station (red line) for the small 5
Yangmingshan Bus Terminal station
陽明山真的是踏青郊遊的好去處,不只可以看到如小油坑、大磺嘴等特殊的火山地質,由於海拔與緯度的關係,四季皆可欣賞不同種類的花。另外,陽明山的夜景也是情侶們約會的熱門景點。 1. 2 – 3月的櫻花季 2. 3 – 4月的竹子湖海芋季 3. 5月中旬的繡球花季 4. 10月 – 隔年1月的賞楓季 ▶︎ 地址:台北市北投區竹子湖路1-20號(座標:25.155795, 121.548128) ▶︎ 交通:至捷運石牌站(紅線)搭乘小8或至捷運劍潭站(紅線)搭乘小5 1. 2 - March cherry blossom season 2. 3 – April Bamboo Lake Season 3. Hydrangea season in mid-May 4. October – the maple season in January of the following year ▶︎ Address: No. 1-20, Zhuzihu Road, Beitou District, Taipei (Coordinate: 25.155795, 121.548128) ▶︎ Transportation: Take the MRT Ship Station (red line) and take the small 8 or the MRT Jiantan Station (red line) for the small 5
極具魅力的山城小鎮—九份,坡上獨特風味的舊式建築,在電影「悲情城市」的取景下,吸引許多影迷前往。再加上九份的茶樓激似宮崎駿電影「神隱少女」的場景,近年來更是吸引許多日本遊客前來朝聖。 ▶︎ 地址:新北市瑞芳區基山街(座標:25.109877, 121.845214) ▶︎ 交通: 1. 至捷運忠孝復興站(藍、棕線)2號出口,搭乘1062客運 The charming mountain town of Jiufen, the old-style architecture with unique flavor on the slope, attracts many fans in the movie "Sad City". In addition, Jiufen's tea house is similar to the scene of Miyazaki's movie "The God of Hidden Girl". In recent years, it has attracted many Japanese tourists to come to pilgrimage. ▶︎ Address: Kishan Street, Ruifang District, New Taipei City (coordinate: 25.109877, 121.845214) ▶︎ Transportation: 1. Take the No. 2 exit of the MRT Zhongxiao Fuxing Station (blue and brown line) and take the 1062 passenger transport.
極具魅力的山城小鎮—九份,坡上獨特風味的舊式建築,在電影「悲情城市」的取景下,吸引許多影迷前往。再加上九份的茶樓激似宮崎駿電影「神隱少女」的場景,近年來更是吸引許多日本遊客前來朝聖。 ▶︎ 地址:新北市瑞芳區基山街(座標:25.109877, 121.845214) ▶︎ 交通: 1. 至捷運忠孝復興站(藍、棕線)2號出口,搭乘1062客運 The charming mountain town of Jiufen, the old-style architecture with unique flavor on the slope, attracts many fans in the movie "Sad City". In addition, Jiufen's tea house is similar to the scene of Miyazaki's movie "The God of Hidden Girl". In recent years, it has attracted many Japanese tourists to come to pilgrimage. ▶︎ Address: Kishan Street, Ruifang District, New Taipei City (coordinate: 25.109877, 121.845214) ▶︎ Transportation: 1. Take the No. 2 exit of the MRT Zhongxiao Fuxing Station (blue and brown line) and take the 1062 passenger transport.
身為小文青的你,絕對不要錯過充滿文藝氣息的松菸以及華山文創園區!這兩個園區定期都有展覽,並且園區內有很多好拍的建築及裝置藝術。松菸內的誠品販賣了很多文創商品,還有開設許多手作課程,十分有趣。而華山文化園區前的大草原非常適合與朋友、姊妹淘們一起野餐,度過一個悠閒地下午。 【松菸(松山文化創意園區)】 ▶︎ 地址:台北市信義區光復南路133號(座標:25.043691, 121.560653) ▶︎ 交通: 搭乘捷運至捷運國父紀念館站(藍線),從五號出口步行約10分鐘 ▶︎ 營業時間:9:00 – 18:00(園區內-室內區域) 8:00 – 22:00(園區內-戶外區域) As a small Wenqing, you must not miss the literary atmosphere of Songyan and Huashan Cultural and Creative Park! The two parks have regular exhibitions and there are many well-prepared buildings and installations in the park. Eslite in the loose smoke sells a lot of cultural and creative goods, and there are many hand-made courses, which are very interesting. The prairie in front of the Huashan Cultural Park is ideal for picnics with friends and sisters, and spend a leisurely afternoon. [Songyan (Songshan Cultural and Creative Park)] ▶︎ Address: No. 133, Guangfu South Road, Xinyi District, Taipei (Coordinate: 25.043691, 121.560653) ▶︎ Transportation: Take the MRT to the MRT National Treasure Memorial Station (Blue Line) and walk for about 10 minutes from Exit 5 ▶︎ Business hours: 9:00 – 18:00 (inside – indoor area) 8:00 – 22:00 (inside – outdoor area)
133號 Guangfu S Rd
身為小文青的你,絕對不要錯過充滿文藝氣息的松菸以及華山文創園區!這兩個園區定期都有展覽,並且園區內有很多好拍的建築及裝置藝術。松菸內的誠品販賣了很多文創商品,還有開設許多手作課程,十分有趣。而華山文化園區前的大草原非常適合與朋友、姊妹淘們一起野餐,度過一個悠閒地下午。 【松菸(松山文化創意園區)】 ▶︎ 地址:台北市信義區光復南路133號(座標:25.043691, 121.560653) ▶︎ 交通: 搭乘捷運至捷運國父紀念館站(藍線),從五號出口步行約10分鐘 ▶︎ 營業時間:9:00 – 18:00(園區內-室內區域) 8:00 – 22:00(園區內-戶外區域) As a small Wenqing, you must not miss the literary atmosphere of Songyan and Huashan Cultural and Creative Park! The two parks have regular exhibitions and there are many well-prepared buildings and installations in the park. Eslite in the loose smoke sells a lot of cultural and creative goods, and there are many hand-made courses, which are very interesting. The prairie in front of the Huashan Cultural Park is ideal for picnics with friends and sisters, and spend a leisurely afternoon. [Songyan (Songshan Cultural and Creative Park)] ▶︎ Address: No. 133, Guangfu South Road, Xinyi District, Taipei (Coordinate: 25.043691, 121.560653) ▶︎ Transportation: Take the MRT to the MRT National Treasure Memorial Station (Blue Line) and walk for about 10 minutes from Exit 5 ▶︎ Business hours: 9:00 – 18:00 (inside – indoor area) 8:00 – 22:00 (inside – outdoor area)
身為台北最重要的地標,當然要前去拍照打卡一下啦~台北101內的地下1樓至4樓為購物中心,有名的小籠包餐廳鼎泰豐也位於此。另外,搭乘快速恆壓電梯至89樓的觀景台,從高處一覽整個台北市也是個不錯的體驗唷! ▶︎ 地址:台北市信義區市府路45號(座標:25.033971, 121.564478) ▶︎ 交通: 1. 搭乘捷運至台北101/世貿站(紅線) 2. 搭臺北市雙層觀光巴士至松廉松智路口 ▶營業時間: 觀景台 9:00 – 22:00(最後售票及入場時間為21:15) 購物中心 11:00 – 21:30 (週日至週四) 11:00 – 22:00(周五、周六及國定假日前夕) As the most important landmark in Taipei, of course, you have to take a photo and check it out. The first floor to the fourth floor of Taipei 101 are shopping centers. The famous Xiaolongbao restaurant Ding Taifeng is also located here. In addition, taking the fast constant pressure elevator to the observation deck on the 89th floor, it is also a good experience to see the entire Taipei city from a height! ▶︎ Address: No. 45, Shifu Road, Xinyi District, Taipei (Coordinate: 25.033971, 121.564478) ▶︎ Transportation: 1. Take the MRT to Taipei 101/World Trade Station (red line) 2. Take the Taipei City Double-decker Sightseeing Bus to Songlian Songzhi intersection ▶Business hours: Observation Deck 9:00 – 22:00 (last ticketing and admission time is 21:15) Shopping Center 11:00 – 21:30 (Sunday to Thursday) 11:00 – 22:00 (Friday, Saturday and National Holidays)
299 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Taipei 101 station
20 Section 5, Xinyi Rd
299 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
身為台北最重要的地標,當然要前去拍照打卡一下啦~台北101內的地下1樓至4樓為購物中心,有名的小籠包餐廳鼎泰豐也位於此。另外,搭乘快速恆壓電梯至89樓的觀景台,從高處一覽整個台北市也是個不錯的體驗唷! ▶︎ 地址:台北市信義區市府路45號(座標:25.033971, 121.564478) ▶︎ 交通: 1. 搭乘捷運至台北101/世貿站(紅線) 2. 搭臺北市雙層觀光巴士至松廉松智路口 ▶營業時間: 觀景台 9:00 – 22:00(最後售票及入場時間為21:15) 購物中心 11:00 – 21:30 (週日至週四) 11:00 – 22:00(周五、周六及國定假日前夕) As the most important landmark in Taipei, of course, you have to take a photo and check it out. The first floor to the fourth floor of Taipei 101 are shopping centers. The famous Xiaolongbao restaurant Ding Taifeng is also located here. In addition, taking the fast constant pressure elevator to the observation deck on the 89th floor, it is also a good experience to see the entire Taipei city from a height! ▶︎ Address: No. 45, Shifu Road, Xinyi District, Taipei (Coordinate: 25.033971, 121.564478) ▶︎ Transportation: 1. Take the MRT to Taipei 101/World Trade Station (red line) 2. Take the Taipei City Double-decker Sightseeing Bus to Songlian Songzhi intersection ▶Business hours: Observation Deck 9:00 – 22:00 (last ticketing and admission time is 21:15) Shopping Center 11:00 – 21:30 (Sunday to Thursday) 11:00 – 22:00 (Friday, Saturday and National Holidays)
▶︎ 地址:台北市松山區饒河街(座標:25.050893, 121.577515) ▶︎ 交通:搭乘捷運至松山站(綠線)1號出口,步行約3分鐘 ▶︎ 營業時間:17:00 – 23:00 ▶︎ 必吃美食:福州世祖胡椒餅、日本福島屋圓圓燒、老芋仔芋頭酥、陳董藥燉排骨 ▶︎ Address: Raohe Street, Songshan District, Taipei (coordinate: 25.050893, 121.577515) ▶︎ Transportation: Take the MRT to Exit 1 of Songshan Station (Green Line) and walk for about 3 minutes. ▶︎ Opening hours: 17:00 – 23:00 ▶︎ Must eat: Fuzhou ancestral pepper cake, Japanese Fukushima House round roe, old 芋仔芋头, Chen Dong medicine stew ribs
227號 Raohe St
▶︎ 地址:台北市松山區饒河街(座標:25.050893, 121.577515) ▶︎ 交通:搭乘捷運至松山站(綠線)1號出口,步行約3分鐘 ▶︎ 營業時間:17:00 – 23:00 ▶︎ 必吃美食:福州世祖胡椒餅、日本福島屋圓圓燒、老芋仔芋頭酥、陳董藥燉排骨 ▶︎ Address: Raohe Street, Songshan District, Taipei (coordinate: 25.050893, 121.577515) ▶︎ Transportation: Take the MRT to Exit 1 of Songshan Station (Green Line) and walk for about 3 minutes. ▶︎ Opening hours: 17:00 – 23:00 ▶︎ Must eat: Fuzhou ancestral pepper cake, Japanese Fukushima House round roe, old 芋仔芋头, Chen Dong medicine stew ribs
淡水超級適合花一整日來遊玩!淡水不只有紅毛城、小白宮等古蹟,讓人了解昔日的歷史,還有著名的淡水老街可以大啖美食。另外,到了傍晚,在淡水漁人碼頭欣賞夕陽西下的景色可是在淡水必做的行程啊! ▶︎ 地址:新北市淡水區中正路、重建街、清水街一帶(座標:25.171017, 121.438530) ▶︎ 交通:搭乘捷運至淡水捷運站(紅線),再步行約10分鐘 ▶︎ 營業時間:依店家營業時間為主 When you come to Tamsui Old Street, you must taste the local freshwater treasures – Aji, Iron Egg and Fish Crisp. Especially Aji, that is, stuffed with winter powder in oil tofu, and then topped with sweet chili sauce or special sauce, it is thought to be followed by a bite~ If you want to bring some local products, the fish cake is definitely your best. The choice, the package is easy to carry, and it is super-spoken, and Xiaobian is highly recommended! ▶︎ Address: Zhongzheng Road, Reconstruction Street, Qingshui Street, Danshui District, New Taipei City (Coordinates: 25.171017, 121.438530) ▶︎ Transportation: Take the MRT to Danshui MRT Station (red line) and walk for about 10 minutes. ▶︎ Business hours: based on the store's business hours
288 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Tamshui Old Street
288 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
淡水超級適合花一整日來遊玩!淡水不只有紅毛城、小白宮等古蹟,讓人了解昔日的歷史,還有著名的淡水老街可以大啖美食。另外,到了傍晚,在淡水漁人碼頭欣賞夕陽西下的景色可是在淡水必做的行程啊! ▶︎ 地址:新北市淡水區中正路、重建街、清水街一帶(座標:25.171017, 121.438530) ▶︎ 交通:搭乘捷運至淡水捷運站(紅線),再步行約10分鐘 ▶︎ 營業時間:依店家營業時間為主 When you come to Tamsui Old Street, you must taste the local freshwater treasures – Aji, Iron Egg and Fish Crisp. Especially Aji, that is, stuffed with winter powder in oil tofu, and then topped with sweet chili sauce or special sauce, it is thought to be followed by a bite~ If you want to bring some local products, the fish cake is definitely your best. The choice, the package is easy to carry, and it is super-spoken, and Xiaobian is highly recommended! ▶︎ Address: Zhongzheng Road, Reconstruction Street, Qingshui Street, Danshui District, New Taipei City (Coordinates: 25.171017, 121.438530) ▶︎ Transportation: Take the MRT to Danshui MRT Station (red line) and walk for about 10 minutes. ▶︎ Business hours: based on the store's business hours
因著風化作用而形成眾多奇石地質的野柳風景區,是取景攝影的絕佳地點。可以在這裏吹吹海風,感嘆大自然的鬼斧神工。仙女鞋、壺穴和燭臺石等種類繁多的海蝕地形都可以在這裏找到,而當中最著名的「女王頭」更是不能錯過。 ▶︎ 地址:新北市萬里區野柳里港東路167-1號(座標:25.206403, 121.690485) ▶︎ 交通: 1. 在淡水捷運站前搭乘淡水客運862號往基隆,在野柳站下車 2. 在板橋火車站旁公車站搭乘基隆客運953號往金山,在野柳地質公園站下車 ▶︎ 營業時間:8:00 – 17:00(免費導覽時間:10:00、10:30、14:00、14:30) ▶︎ 票價:80元 (全票) The Yehliu Scenic Area, which has formed many geological features due to weathering, is a perfect location for photographic photography. You can blow the sea breeze here and sigh the wonders of nature. A wide variety of sea erosion terrain, such as fairy shoes, potholes and candlestick stones, can be found here, and the most famous "Queen's Head" is not to be missed. ▶︎ Address: No.167-1, Gangliu East Road, Yeliuli, Wanli District, New Taipei City (Coordinate: 25.206403, 121.690485) ▶︎ Transportation: 1. Take Danshui Passenger Terminal No. 862 to Keelung in front of the Danshui MRT Station and get off at Yehliu Station. 2. Take the Keelung Passenger Car No. 953 to Jinshan at the bus stop next to Banqiao Railway Station and get off at Yeliu Geopark Station. ▶︎ Opening hours: 8:00 – 17:00 (free guided tour time: 10:00, 10:30, 14:00, 14:30) ▶︎ Ticket price: 80 yuan (full ticket)
6 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
6 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
因著風化作用而形成眾多奇石地質的野柳風景區,是取景攝影的絕佳地點。可以在這裏吹吹海風,感嘆大自然的鬼斧神工。仙女鞋、壺穴和燭臺石等種類繁多的海蝕地形都可以在這裏找到,而當中最著名的「女王頭」更是不能錯過。 ▶︎ 地址:新北市萬里區野柳里港東路167-1號(座標:25.206403, 121.690485) ▶︎ 交通: 1. 在淡水捷運站前搭乘淡水客運862號往基隆,在野柳站下車 2. 在板橋火車站旁公車站搭乘基隆客運953號往金山,在野柳地質公園站下車 ▶︎ 營業時間:8:00 – 17:00(免費導覽時間:10:00、10:30、14:00、14:30) ▶︎ 票價:80元 (全票) The Yehliu Scenic Area, which has formed many geological features due to weathering, is a perfect location for photographic photography. You can blow the sea breeze here and sigh the wonders of nature. A wide variety of sea erosion terrain, such as fairy shoes, potholes and candlestick stones, can be found here, and the most famous "Queen's Head" is not to be missed. ▶︎ Address: No.167-1, Gangliu East Road, Yeliuli, Wanli District, New Taipei City (Coordinate: 25.206403, 121.690485) ▶︎ Transportation: 1. Take Danshui Passenger Terminal No. 862 to Keelung in front of the Danshui MRT Station and get off at Yehliu Station. 2. Take the Keelung Passenger Car No. 953 to Jinshan at the bus stop next to Banqiao Railway Station and get off at Yeliu Geopark Station. ▶︎ Opening hours: 8:00 – 17:00 (free guided tour time: 10:00, 10:30, 14:00, 14:30) ▶︎ Ticket price: 80 yuan (full ticket)
中正紀念堂是一座為紀念已故前中華民國總統蔣中正而興建的建築,位於臺北市中正區,也是眾多紀念蔣中正的建築中規模最大者 The Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall is a building built to commemorate the late President of the Republic of China, Chiang Kai-shek. It is located in the Zhongzheng District of Taipei City and is the largest among the buildings commemorating Chiang Kai-shek.
43 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall Station
8之1 Section 1, Roosevelt Rd
43 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
中正紀念堂是一座為紀念已故前中華民國總統蔣中正而興建的建築,位於臺北市中正區,也是眾多紀念蔣中正的建築中規模最大者 The Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall is a building built to commemorate the late President of the Republic of China, Chiang Kai-shek. It is located in the Zhongzheng District of Taipei City and is the largest among the buildings commemorating Chiang Kai-shek.
國立故宮博物院,簡稱故宮,俗稱臺灣故宮或臺北故宮,別名中山博物院,為中華民國最具規模的博物館以及臺灣八景之一,也是古代中國藝術史與漢學研究機構。館舍坐落在臺北市士林區至善路2段221號和臺灣省嘉義縣太保市故宮大道888號,一年可接待超過614萬人次參訪旅客,曾位列2015年全球參觀人數第六多的藝術博物館。 The National Palace Museum, referred to as the Forbidden City, is commonly known as the National Palace Museum in Taiwan or the National Palace Museum in Taipei. It is also known as the Zhongshan Museum. It is one of the largest museums in the Republic of China and one of the eight scenic spots in Taiwan. It is also an institution of ancient Chinese art history and Sinology. The building is located at No. 221, Section 2, Zhishan Road, Shilin District, Taipei City, and No. 888, Forbidden City Avenue, Taibao City, Chiayi County, Taiwan. It can accommodate more than 6.14 million visitors a year, ranking sixth in the world in 2015. More art museums.
217 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
National Palace Museum station
217 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
國立故宮博物院,簡稱故宮,俗稱臺灣故宮或臺北故宮,別名中山博物院,為中華民國最具規模的博物館以及臺灣八景之一,也是古代中國藝術史與漢學研究機構。館舍坐落在臺北市士林區至善路2段221號和臺灣省嘉義縣太保市故宮大道888號,一年可接待超過614萬人次參訪旅客,曾位列2015年全球參觀人數第六多的藝術博物館。 The National Palace Museum, referred to as the Forbidden City, is commonly known as the National Palace Museum in Taiwan or the National Palace Museum in Taipei. It is also known as the Zhongshan Museum. It is one of the largest museums in the Republic of China and one of the eight scenic spots in Taiwan. It is also an institution of ancient Chinese art history and Sinology. The building is located at No. 221, Section 2, Zhishan Road, Shilin District, Taipei City, and No. 888, Forbidden City Avenue, Taibao City, Chiayi County, Taiwan. It can accommodate more than 6.14 million visitors a year, ranking sixth in the world in 2015. More art museums.
臺北市立動物園是中華民國臺北市的一座公立動物園,隸屬於臺北市政府教育局。1914年創立於圓山地區,舊稱「圓山動物園」,與臺北市立兒童育樂中心相鄰。1986年,因圓山原址無法擴建,而遷至文山區木柵地區,因此成為臺灣人現在熟悉所稱「木柵動物園」 The Taipei City Zoo is a public zoo in Taipei, Republic of China, and is affiliated with the Taipei City Government Education Bureau. Founded in the Yuanshan area in 1914, it was formerly known as the "Yuanshan Zoo" and is adjacent to the Taipei City Children's Recreation Center. In 1986, because the original site of the Yuanshan Mountain could not be expanded, it moved to the Muzha area of Wenshan District. Therefore, Taiwanese are now familiar with the so-called "Muji Zoo".
143 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
Taipei Zoo
30號 Section 2, Xinguang Rd
143 lokal ang nagrerekomenda
臺北市立動物園是中華民國臺北市的一座公立動物園,隸屬於臺北市政府教育局。1914年創立於圓山地區,舊稱「圓山動物園」,與臺北市立兒童育樂中心相鄰。1986年,因圓山原址無法擴建,而遷至文山區木柵地區,因此成為臺灣人現在熟悉所稱「木柵動物園」 The Taipei City Zoo is a public zoo in Taipei, Republic of China, and is affiliated with the Taipei City Government Education Bureau. Founded in the Yuanshan area in 1914, it was formerly known as the "Yuanshan Zoo" and is adjacent to the Taipei City Children's Recreation Center. In 1986, because the original site of the Yuanshan Mountain could not be expanded, it moved to the Muzha area of Wenshan District. Therefore, Taiwanese are now familiar with the so-called "Muji Zoo".
國立國父紀念館是位於臺灣臺北東區的綜合性文化紀念設施,係紀念中華民國國父孫中山百年誕辰而興建,於1972年5月16日落成啟用,館區總面積達三萬五千坪。除了具紀念功能外,建築本體周圍則是戶外運動、休閒、藝文與知性活動的綜合性休憩公園。臺北市文資審議委員會2018年12月28日審議國父紀念館文資價值,通過指定為古蹟 The National Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall is a comprehensive cultural memorial facility located in the Eastern District of Taipei, Taiwan. It was built in commemoration of the 100th birthday of Sun Yat-sen, the founding father of the Republic of China. It was opened on May 16, 1972. The total area of the pavilion is 35,000 ping. In addition to the commemorative function, the building is surrounded by a comprehensive recreational park for outdoor sports, leisure, arts and cultural activities. The Taipei Municipal Capital Review Committee reviewed the value of the capital of the National Father's Memorial Hall on December 28, 2018, and designated it as a monument.
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Nasyonal na Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall
505號 Section 4, Ren'ai Rd
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國立國父紀念館是位於臺灣臺北東區的綜合性文化紀念設施,係紀念中華民國國父孫中山百年誕辰而興建,於1972年5月16日落成啟用,館區總面積達三萬五千坪。除了具紀念功能外,建築本體周圍則是戶外運動、休閒、藝文與知性活動的綜合性休憩公園。臺北市文資審議委員會2018年12月28日審議國父紀念館文資價值,通過指定為古蹟 The National Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall is a comprehensive cultural memorial facility located in the Eastern District of Taipei, Taiwan. It was built in commemoration of the 100th birthday of Sun Yat-sen, the founding father of the Republic of China. It was opened on May 16, 1972. The total area of the pavilion is 35,000 ping. In addition to the commemorative function, the building is surrounded by a comprehensive recreational park for outdoor sports, leisure, arts and cultural activities. The Taipei Municipal Capital Review Committee reviewed the value of the capital of the National Father's Memorial Hall on December 28, 2018, and designated it as a monument.
華山1914文化創意產業園區,園區前身為「台北酒廠」,為臺灣台北市市定古蹟。在1999年後,成為提供給藝文界、非營利組織及個人使用的藝術展覽、音樂表演等文化活動場地。此外,園區內也有多間餐廳、咖啡館、店舖、藝廊等商業設施 Huashan 1914 Cultural and Creative Industry Park, formerly known as “Taipei Winery”, is a historic site in Taipei, Taiwan. After 1999, it became a venue for cultural events such as art exhibitions and music performances for art and literature, non-profit organizations and individuals. In addition, there are many restaurants, cafes, shops, art galleries and other commercial facilities in the park.
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Huashan 1914 Creative Park
1 Section 1, Bade Rd
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華山1914文化創意產業園區,園區前身為「台北酒廠」,為臺灣台北市市定古蹟。在1999年後,成為提供給藝文界、非營利組織及個人使用的藝術展覽、音樂表演等文化活動場地。此外,園區內也有多間餐廳、咖啡館、店舖、藝廊等商業設施 Huashan 1914 Cultural and Creative Industry Park, formerly known as “Taipei Winery”, is a historic site in Taipei, Taiwan. After 1999, it became a venue for cultural events such as art exhibitions and music performances for art and literature, non-profit organizations and individuals. In addition, there are many restaurants, cafes, shops, art galleries and other commercial facilities in the park.
北投溫泉博物館是位於台灣台北市北投區的史蹟保存類博物館,過去是公共的溫泉浴場,因此又名北投溫泉浴場 Beitou Hot Springs Museum is a historical preservation museum located in Beitou District, Taipei, Taiwan. It used to be a public hot spring bath, so it is also known as the Beitou Hot Spring Bath.
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Beitou Hot Springs
3號 Zhongshan Rd
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北投溫泉博物館是位於台灣台北市北投區的史蹟保存類博物館,過去是公共的溫泉浴場,因此又名北投溫泉浴場 Beitou Hot Springs Museum is a historical preservation museum located in Beitou District, Taipei, Taiwan. It used to be a public hot spring bath, so it is also known as the Beitou Hot Spring Bath.
貓空位於臺灣台北市文山區,屬於二格山系,昔日曾為台北市最大產茶區之一,茶區上古道縱橫,乃為運送茶葉所建,目前為茶藝及夜景勝地。 Maokong is located in Wenshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan. It belongs to the Erge Mountain System. It used to be one of the largest tea-producing areas in Taipei. The tea area was built on the ancient roads and was built for the transportation of tea. It is currently a tea and night resort.
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貓空位於臺灣台北市文山區,屬於二格山系,昔日曾為台北市最大產茶區之一,茶區上古道縱橫,乃為運送茶葉所建,目前為茶藝及夜景勝地。 Maokong is located in Wenshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan. It belongs to the Erge Mountain System. It used to be one of the largest tea-producing areas in Taipei. The tea area was built on the ancient roads and was built for the transportation of tea. It is currently a tea and night resort.